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  • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
  • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
  • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
  • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
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  • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
  • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
  • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
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    Thread: Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

    1. #1
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

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      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      So I got them in the mail small blue and white caps. Very nicely done. Many times caps have residual supp powder all over them, these are perfect. I am going to be very detailed in the beginning and stretch it out later. This is when I really experienced the most as it was brand new to me. I will refer to this supp as BFS from here forth. I have no experience with aminiisoheptane. I read it is a stim like DMAA.


      5:20 am: took One cap with a cup of black coffee. I normally do not eat breakfast. I had tons of stuff to do at work (1/2 day)and then tons after.

      5:50 am Started feeling it kick in. I PM'd joe1313 and told him " 3..............2...................1.............. .........................LAUNCH MUTHA *UCKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY *HIT!"

      6:00 am Headed to work on my big bike. hard not to pin the throttle and wake the neighbors but I just rode normally to work. Got clocked in and realized I was not just wide awake but something more than awake! Like a whole new 1/2 higher level of consciousness I have rarely felt. I felt really good, no headache or nausea (which I get from some stims)

      6:30 am A little jittery in my hands but not uncomfortable, got my PC playing some 70s rock and I am rocking right along with the drudgery of data entry from my inspections the day before. My fingers are flying on the keys. Mistakes to a minimum as I am not a great typist. My coworker brings the coffee pot by and asks if I would like some. I said no as it would be too much.

      7:00 am Meeting. Normally early meetings i have trouble staying awake. I was wide "a fricken wake" I actually participated in the discussion and my manager patted me on the back and said thanks as normally we all just tune him out and look at our phones or sip coffee wishing we were anywhere but here. i feel a slight euphoria from the BFS, a small sense of well being. Perhaps down the road these caps could be offered in half size doses as it is getting very intense. Not really uncomfortable I just feel the urge to GO! I think a person who is used to low doses of clen or other strong stims would love this feeling. I am very sensitive to stims.

      8:00 am I am doing inspections. My focus is ON POINT! I am blazing through my inspection list and feel really good.

      9:00 am I think I am peaked on the stim but have become comfortable with it. I realized I was a little tense and now I am relaxed and am doing my job like a boss. (I thought to myself I wish I had this for when I was young and stayed out all night and had to work the next day.)

      11:00 am Back at the office to start entering my inspections and citations. Normally we spend 30 minutes meeting with one another talking about probs we faced and citizens we dealt with. I just wanted to get my work done so I would not have to do it Monday. I did get it finished. Jitters have almost abated. I just feel lean and mean. I realized I am not hungry at this point. Normally as noon approaches I am starving and I chug water. I have not been drinking water so I filled my bottle and chugged it.

      12:00 pm Off work and riding home. Again I feel like doing hooligan wheelies and burnout but I keep it cool. I get home and put up the bike and my gear. I grab my list of "to dos" I am still very alert and focused. The heavier stim feeling is almost gone. I start to work at home.

      3:00 pm My son and I go test driving cars. (we are car guys and I have been looking to trade my old jeep in for a sporty car for 6 months) We drive several different models and I feel good and still very alert but the stim effect is done. I think the adrafinil is still keeping me alert but I am suddenly very hungry. I chug a bottle of water and my son and I drive a Ford Focus ST, I have driven a WRX, GTI, and a Mustang ecoboost. We leave the dealer to let them come back with a better offer. I am getting grumpy.

      4:00 pm Still feel alert but not hyper alert. I am a little sleepy now. My son and I grab a bite and I feel way better, the grumpy goes away. I grab a cup of coffee and get that call from the dealer giving me $1,500 more for my jeep which is what I wanted for it as a private seller. Buy a car.

      5:30 pm About twelve hours I am back to normal. No residual headache or feelings. I might be slightly more alert but not much. Not a pronounced crash but without the coffee at 4 pm I would be sleepy.

      10:30 pm Bed fell right asleep.


      I worked, Saturdays are easy. Same feelings as yesterday after ingestion. I knew what to expect so I am WAY less tense than yesterday. The day seemed to fly by. I do not do normal inspections on Saturdays but catch people doing roofs and such without permits. I catch 3 and write them cites. Other than that I drive around and listen to JRE podcasts on my computer. I realize i am smiling a lot. Not gritting my teeth like some stims that over amp you. (again I am sensitive to stims)

      Off at 10:00 am at 11:00 am lunch with my parents who are in town for a wedding. I am not hungry really but I can eat.

      2:00 pm 5K run. I did not break any records but I felt great with no fatigue during or after run. I wish I had got up earlier and ran in the dark when the stim was at full blast.

      by 4:00 pm I notice I am pretty much feel normal again. Cup of coffee to finish the day.

      So, I think I am going to try taking the BFS at about 10am on Monday and see how it carries me through the day. I will now rate the product on effects I feel are important with a supp of this type.

      1 to 5, 5 being highest

      Mental Clarity: 5 This gave me other worldly focus

      Stim effect: 3 I rated it honestly as it is a tad too strong for me, I was slightly over stimmed. Maybe if I take it with a little food? But then I would not get the effect from the adrafinil in it. I like it and if I was working in the yard or training it would be perfect but sitting at the desk it is HARD to sit still, I want to run around and not sit. As a workout supp I would give it a 4 only because it is just a stim with no vaso dilators or such. But then this in not meant to compete with them.

      appetite suppressor: 4 It worked really well at suppressing hunger until it did not 10-11 hours later then I was so hungry I could have eaten a skunks butthole.

      Over all I give this a 4. Mental clarity is WAY GOOD! Like I said before back the stim off 50 mg and I bet it would be perfect for me. Stim guys will ove it and maybe take 2 and launch themselves into another universe. Will I buy this product. Yes I will, price point is good, quality is great, doses seem spot on. I will not use this every day but when I have a full day and need a boost this will be my go to from now on. I have not tried a supp like this. Most have way too much stim for me and not enough mental clarity. That is why I like it. I also like it as it is simple. 4 ingredients. All work synergistically to complement one another without adding others just to inflate the label.\

      Good work Robinhood supps! Thanks Joe1313.

      I will go to the gym this week and my Muay Thai camp next Saturday and add my experience as a preworkout. I have HIGH hopes for it's effects in Muay Thai.
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      Default Re: Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

      Great log of your experience with this. Good teading

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

      Awesome feedback! Thanks for sharing this jipped. This sounds like a real good product
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      Default Re: Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

      It is, I am always tired on Mondays. I took one about 9am yesterday and felt great through the day. One side effect is talking more than normal. I found I talk to myself as I think about my last inspection and my next enforcement actions to gain compliance. I just laughed and kept talking to myself. I also talk quicker I noticed but do not say "um" or "uh" nearly as much as the words flow out of me without thinking.

      This stuff moves your brain forward if that makes since.
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    5. #5
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      Default Re: Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

      OK, I am stoked about the appetite suppressing characteristics of this product. I am not hungry until 2-3 pm so I am not snacking and getting fat!
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

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    6. #6
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      Default Re: Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

      OK, so been using this product for about 2 weeks. I have noticed my body has acclimated somewhat. I can handle the stims much better. I still get the focus effect and I am super alert. I am going to take a break and revisit in a couple three weeks to see if the effect is more pronounced like it was when I first started taking it.
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    7. #7
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

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      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps

      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      • Wanted to log my experience with "Brain Focus Study" from Robin Hood supps
      So i wanted to give it 3 months and try again. I have 3 caps left. I took one this morning at 6am with my coffee. I am running like a ferrari at red line. I have Muay Thai/kickboxing training at 11 am. I have unloaded the dishwasher, folded all the towels in the dryer and started another load of colors, swept and mopped the floors........

      I stopped working as I forgot to eat. It is easy to do with this supp. It does suppress hunger but I still got a little hypo and started feeling it coming on. I ate a protein bar and feel great again.

      Anyway. this is a great supp. for guys who like stims and nootropics this is kind of 1/2 and 1/2. Give it a try fellas, I recommend starting out by taking one with food in the gut. They are strong!
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

      A clear concience is a sign of a bad memory.

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