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    Thread: Those last 10 lbs!

    1. #1
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Those last 10 lbs!

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      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!

      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      So 4 months into the slow climb back into shape after a 10 month break due to a torn rotator cuff and bicep, surgery then rehab, I finally got back into the gym in February at 49 year's old. 25 lbs overweight. Challenged with a retorn post op right bicep that's "Functional" and the most out of shape/tired/unmotivated I've ever been. I started circuit training and cardio (treadmill) 3 days a week. Then week 4 ventured down to weight room to start the humiliating process of serious training and increased cardio (30-40 minutes per w/o) 4-5 day/week. And, of course, starting my first cycle in over a year at that point (400 mg cyp/400 mg EQ, 6 week cycle t3 starting @ 25 mcg/day - up to 100 mcg/day - then back down to 25 mcg ending at 6 weeks). Then for last 5 weeks - 150 mg winny-v, 100 mg tren-a & 200 mg EQ - EOD. Results to date - 15 hard earned lbs down, 4 inches off waist, everything coming back, including my right bicep that is still torn but I've managed to fill in to make look barely noticeable compared to left side. Diet is clean - in caloric deficit thanks to the advice of a couple brothers on this board a few months back - which has really helped! So what's my main question? Where to go from here to get those last 10 extra lbs off? My diet is very high in protein, I haven't taken any powdered protein in over a year and avoid carbs in general but do allow myself some complex carbs. I'm wondering what cycle would best aid in helping me lose about another 5-10 lbs and get my BF low enough to sport those abs I know are under that last layer of fat I just can't seem to shed?! Any thoughts?

    2. #2
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: Those last 10 lbs!

      I think gear cycle can help loose fat but more than anything diet and cardio in my experience. I am 50 and loosing fat to get to single digit BF is a *****!

      I am almost to the point of trying T3. But I will say what you got looks solid. I noticed a good return on peptides. GHRP-6 i think helped me lean out.

      Also a real dry androgen like masteron may help a little too.

      keep us updated.
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

      A clear concience is a sign of a bad memory.

      husband of the year

      moose riding maple syrup drinking flanel wearing canuck wannabe

    3. #3
      lex-ttp's Avatar
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      Default Re: Those last 10 lbs!

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      • Those last 10 lbs!

      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      • Those last 10 lbs!
      Update - Had to get off the Tren earlier this week, I was having strange (not good) thoughts, extreme anger issues, mood swings and almost lost it at work for no good reason. I've NEVER had tren affect me like that before and never bought into the roid rage thing to the point of it making you lose control but I swear I was about there so I do believe now! Luckily I followed Jipped genes advice and ordered masteron, which just arrived Thursday and I substituted for the tren . . . In other news, I'm offering a $100 reward to anyone that can help me locate my nut sack. Last seen about 3 1/2 months ago when they crawled up inside my scrotum and haven't been seen since! On the serious side, say I wanted to take clomid and HCG without taking a break from the above cycle listed I'm currently on a few posts up - to try to help my boyz to drop and start working on there own again - how might I do so, 50 mgs clomid/ED or should I start at 50 mg then go to 100 mgs? And the HCG - last time I took it came in 10,000 IU kits, not 5,000 IU. And I remember taking the 10,000 IU kit over a course of 3 injections 1 every 4 days. So now that it comes in only 5,000 IU kits, how does one take these days and over how many days? (and all at once,over 2 shots, more?) Please advise, oh and lefty and righty thank you in advance! Lex

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