51, 172 and training since 2008.

Squat: 315
DL: 365
BP: 165 3 singles that day(my weakest lift due to shoulder injuries)

My numbers are okay for a dude my age.

I also am taking
Garden of Life MyKind Organics, Men's Multi 40+
Vit D3 5000iu a day
IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) dosed at 1 teaspoon/twice a day Inositol, IP3 and IP6
TMG (Trimethylglycine) 2.5 grams Trimethylglycine - Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects | Examine.com
Zinc-I take 400mgs which equals 50mgs elemental zinc. https://prostate.net/articles/benefi...or-mens-health

My Routine
Monday Upper Power
Tuesday Lower Power
Thursday Upper Hypertrophy
Friday Lower Hypertrophy