Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
it sucks when they send you to pt before doing an mri and knowing exactly what is going on. i know how big of a pain in the ass and frustrating it is. most of the time they wait so long that it makes fixing the initial issue 10x harder than it would be if they would have just done it at the onset of the problem
Agreed, but this will give me a little lee way , so if i do cause any more issues it really isnt me.cough cough...
Im gonna ask and see if they will do ems before the heat?
Last. Night did some delt work
Front lateral raises
Everything done in 12-15 rep range. 3 sets.

Shoulder press
3 sets 15 rep. Only using 20lb bands.
Shoulders feel heavy. Kinda like dead weight. Wanted to up the bands but figured I wouldnt push it today.

High rows
3 sets x 15 reps. Pretty decent stretch.
Slow controlled, squeeze my shoulder blades together 3 second count , supinate grip when pulling back.

Alt one arm curls
3 sets ×15
Supination curls
3 sets x 12
Concentration curls
3 sets x 12
Reverse curls
3 sets x 12
Wrist curls/reverse wrist curls(superset)
20/20. 20/20 20/20
Kept everything light, took just about 1 hr.

Normally i do bi's/tri's. But testing the water for the first few days.

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