So today I was somewhat tired , but I figure let's get to the gym and make it a productive day.
I took some pre-workout and added the 2 caps of Ostarine . Well 1/2 hour in the mix I get a surge of energy and my workout pump was unreal . Completely different than when I go with this new pre workout I purchased . Veins on top of veins and the arm pump I had was hurting , I mean hurting bad !!! I almost couldn't stand it . That's how bad it was .
My shoulder is feeling better and better every workout , I have to place the results I'm getting on the Ostarine.
With the shoulder feeling and getting better it makes my workouts much more killer !!! This is what I've been waiting for .
I feel good and the fullness in my muscles is def showing !!! I even have those obliques showing , I never had that .
Cudos to Joe and TrueSelfResearch for this phenomenal product.
The journey continues !!!