Tuesday - rested this day. I haven't been sleeping well I think it is a combo of going to bed late and low blood sugar at night.

Wednesday - did a light workout for lower body. Hip/back wasn't happy. Told chiro via text I wanted to figure out what was wrong so hopefully going to do an MRI on hip. No way that body weight lunges or squats should aggravate my hip that way when I use to squat 365 for 4 reps to parallel.

Reverse Lunges - 15, 10s/12 20s/10,10

Leg Extensions - 90/20 120/15 150/15+10+10 (rest pause)

Lying Leg Curl - 60/10 70/10 80/8+4+4 (rest pause)

DB Front Squat - 10s/5 15s/5 20s/5 25s/5X5 (slow and controlled just trying to see if I can do light weight with no pain)

Rope Crunch - 100/15 120/15 150/10

Hanging Leg Raises - 8,8

Tabata Method - 20s on 10s off (I rotated each 20s with a different exercise (DB Front Squats, DB Step-Ups, Walking Lunges, Step-overs, skaters lunges, jumping air squats, reverse lunges, and wall hold)


Shoulder wasn't great but I stretched it out and rolled it. Felt better after workout.

V-Bar Tricep Pushdowns - 60/20 80/15 100/12 120/10 150/3X8 burnout 110/20

15 Deg Inc. DB Press - 30s/5 40s/5 50s/5 65s/5 (3 sec negative and 3 sec pause at bottom)

Chest Press Machine (lockouts) - 50/10 90/10 140/3X10

Miss being pain free and going at it but glad I got something done. Will try and do some light cardio later today.