Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - I did a total body routine with super light weight (5s,10s, etc.) high reps. Mainly going for blood flow to heal recovery. Along with this I rolled out my chronically tight areas.

Thursday - Did a light/moderate workout below. Again not going heavy and lots and lots of foam rolling. Tried a few new things and range of motion is the best it has been pain free since shoulder injury a week and half ago.

Eagle Row - 70/10 90/10 110/10 130/10
Zottman Curls - 10s/10 15s/10 20s/10 25s/6

Bentover DB Row - 20s/10 30s/10 40s/10
Reverse EZ Curl - 40/10 50/8 60/6

Seated Cable Row - 70/10 90/10 110/10
Rope Crunch - 90/15 110/15 135/15

Also this morning I ran about a mile and walked about 1.5-2 miles so 2.5-3 miles total.