Thursday - rested
Friday - did two movements (1-arm DB Row) and (DB overhead presses) - wasn't feeling it so did a pyramid 10,8,6,4,2 - then called it a day played 18 holes of golf

Saturday - Cut grass

Sunday - swam with my little girl for Fathers Day

Monday - back day with some glute/lower body thrown in there. very light just trying to keep these muscle groups stiumlated

Eagle Row - 90/15 110/12 130/10 150/8 170/10+5+5 (rest pause set)

Standing Wide Parallel Grip Cable Row - 140/15 155/12 170/12+8+6 (rest pause set)

Glute Bridges - 45lbs 3X10

Back Squat - 45/10 Goblet Squat 40/10, 90/90 lift - 60 seconds, wall hold - 60 seconds

Prone Cobra (3s pause at top) - 10s 3 sets of 10 reps

Dumbbell Curls - 10s/15 15s/12 20s/10 25s/8 30s/6 35s/8+4+3 (rest pause set) burnout set - 20s/14