Tuesday - so today I taught a class and didn't have many come so I figured I would participate. I am definitely not in shape for this conditioning.

15 minutes warm-up with foam rolling, stretching, and mobility.

30 minute workout.

Air Squats 1st set - 60 sec, 2nd set - 45 sec. 3rd set - 30sec
Flat DB Press - 1st set - 60 sec, 2nd set - 45 sec. 3rd set - 30sec

V-Ups - 1st set - 60 sec, 2nd set - 45 sec. 3rd set - 30sec
Bentover DB Row - 1st set - 60 sec, 2nd set - 45 sec. 3rd set - 30sec

Step-Ups 3 sets of 60 seconds
Push Press 3 sets of 30 seconds

DB Romanian Deadlifts - 3 sets of 45 sec
Push-Ups 3 sets of 30 sec

I used freaking 15 lb dumbbells and was spent. My muscles weren't spent just my body and breathing. I was drenched in sweat. But I would try and do as many reps as possible in strict form as I could. Seriously can't believe that weight kicked my ass. I didn't even workout later tonight because I was still tired.