Tuesday - elbow still healing but doing better...some tendon issues around wrist but wearing some wrist wraps until it gets under control and cutting out certain movements that aggravate it.

Did a Metabolic Conditioning Workout this morning. I haven't done this in a while and my hips did not like it.

20 minutes. I got 6 rounds of the following:

20 Bandrows
10 V-Ups
20 Romanian Deadlifts
10 Push-Ups
100M Sprint

Tuesday Afternoon Workout:

Flat DB Press - 40s/8 50s/8 60s/8 70s/8 80s/10+5+3 (rest pause set)

Bench Press - 45/5 95/5 135/5 155/4 185/3 205/2 225/4 (happy with this number)

DB Side Lateral Raises - 10s/15 12s/15 15s/10 20s/10 25s/8+5+4

30 Deg Inc. DB Press - 70s/10+4+3 (rest pause set)

Dip Machine - 140/8 160/8 180/8

Rope Pushdowns - 80/9+60/9 (drop set)