Day 1 of my log here. I ask guns to hook me up with a killer routine and he delivered. Nothing like just doing what your told vs trying to train yourself. Can't wait to see what happens over the next 12 weeks.


TS x 4 rounds 90 sec rest
*Hammer press with double #2 bands x 8 reps
Hex press x 6-8 reps
Stretch pushups x Failure with a deep stretch

GS* x 4 rounds 60 sec rest
Smith machine bent over row x 8
Dumbell Pullover x 8
Dumbell row x 8
Banded face pull x 8

Felt good, I'm sure the excitement of the new routine helped.. I banged out those worksets for chest in 13.5 min and the back sets in 16min.
Obviously couldn't use maximal weight obviously buy sure forced a lot of blood into the muscle. Those hex presses are a new favorite for sure.

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