
Farmers walk with trap bar 4 sets
Box jumps superset w/ lat pulldown 4 sets
Hammer strength chest press superset w/ facepull 4 sets

Battle ropes 4 sets
Jump rope superset w/ random exercise 4 sets

I was so tired and somewhat sore all day yesterday. Getting out of my seat was painful, walking steps hurt, and we had some boring training which totally wiped me out. I just didn't have energy. Anyway I got to the gym and everything went pretty well. I used the fat gripz on the farmers walks and the lat pulldown. It was really difficult on the farmers walks, almost like the gripz were moving. I think they are cut a bit too big and don't fit the bar tight enough. I made due however. I feel like I hit just about everything though which I was happy about. At the end of all my workouts, I walk on a treadmill for 10 minutes. It's almost like a cool down and I usually feel good when walking. Not this day, I was at the 3 minute mark and already wanted to be done, I was worn out. It felt good to leave the gym yesterday and some rest today will be gladly accepted.