
Bike Ride

Basketball shooting

I knew it was going to be nice out on Saturday so I skipped the gym and used that morning to go for a bike ride. It was a lot of fun. It was really nice with a breeze. I rode pretty far and would have stayed out longer if I didn't have things to do around the house. Later in the day I decided to go to the local park and shoot some baskets. I didn't realize it was as warm as I thought and wore a hoodie, bad mistake as I was sweating in no time. All in all I felt like doing both the riding and shooting both took the place of going to the gym.



What a disaster it was. We used to get 8-12 guys. Well we had 15 ppl show up this Sunday and the old guy who thinks he runs stuff was throwing a fit the whole time with not being able to play the first game or not being able to give himself the best team. It was totally insane. A few ppl got fed up and just left. He also stopped playing and we were left with 10 guys. Once we had 10 ppl the game ended up being a lot of fun.