
Leg press superset w/ t bar row 4 sets
DB step ups superset w/ lat pulldown superset w/ standing calve raise 4 sets
Low cable rope row superset w/ BB curl superset w/ box jumps 4 sets

Jump rope superset with straight bar pull down 3 sets

Not really sure why I decided to superset everything yesterday but I did and it seemed to workout well. I'm not sure if the heat was extra high in the gym or what but I had a really solid sweat going. Really made me fee like I was putting in some serious work. I was doing three exercises at a time during most of the workout but it was really wearing me out. Good workout though even without doing squats or deadlifts. I haven't box jumped really since I sprained my ankle like 5 months ago but I figured I didn't want my legs to be sore for Wednesday but I did want to get in some explosive work, so we went back to the box jumps and I enjoyed it.

The last 2 nights my quads are tightening up the way they were a few weeks ago. Last night was tough to get to sleep because of how it felt. Luckily I got up early enough, put some ben gay on the area and it helped fall asleep. Talking to my massage therapist, she thinks I have really tight IT bands. So the goal is to get them to release and loosen. Foam rolling on them seems to make them much more sore, so I may stick with the massage stick along with some stretches to get them to relax a bit.