
Farmers walk w/ trap bar 5 sets
Battle ropes superset w/ kettlebell swings 4 sets
Wall balls superset w/ lat pulldown 4 sets
Seated calve raise superset w/ flat bench 4 sets

Jump rope superset w/ straight bar pulldown 3 sets

Used the fat gripz again and finally got to use the trap bar. It worked well the grips aren't super tight on the handles, so they could move which it's scary but also forces the grip to be much stronger. I also thought the fat gripz barely fit on the bar so they were super tight. Anyway I used the fat gripz for any movement that included a bar. Wasn't a fan of the kettlebell swings with them since I use both hands and the grip on the handle of the kettlebell is pretty small but it was worth a shot. Overall though the workout went well. I've been tired at work but once I hit the gym I totally wake up and have been having quality training sessions.

Tonight I have another massage scheduled which I can't wait for. A lot of the issues the first time, I'm not having anymore but it never hurts to get things totally worked out. Might take Saturday off from the gym just as an additional day of rest and recovery.