
Deadlift superset w/ rope pulldown 4 sets
T bar row superset w/ DB stiff legged deadlift 4 sets
Leg press superset w/ close grip lat pulldown 4 sets

Jump rope superset w/ wall dribble 3 sets
Jump rope superset w/ seated calve raise 1 set

Got to the gym and there was some new bro's at the gym taking up the whole downstairs so I had to take my activities to the second floor of the gym. No big deal. I decided to give deadlift's a shot since its been awhile. It wasn't as a I planned, my glute on my left side is still in pain and right from the very first rep was rough. It's not healed yet and it was hurting but I also figured if I stayed light maybe the movement would overall help the injury and help me in the long run so I continued. That's also why I did the stiff leg deadlift, I do like using DB's and from my old gym, a guy I used to lift with and myself found that using DB's and staying on the low end of the rep rather than doing full reps feels so much better on the hamstring. My strength though wasn't the greatest. Even the t bar row felt super heavy, almost like my footing getting it off the ground on one set. I'm not sure if it was the glute or the superset that caused the problem....I also felt like my blood sugar was low, I felt somewhat shaky, weak, and hungry the whole time. I still proceeded with the workout and had a killer sweat going but that usually happens when I have low blood sugar, I tend to get a cold sweat going. Even with the strength issue I felt like I did a really good workout and really taxed myself.