
Side lateral raise superset w/ hammer strength press 4 sets
Bent over DB reverse fly superset w/ hammer strength press 4 sets
Flat bench superset w/ facepull 3 sets
Battle ropes 4 sets

A fairly straight forward workout. I started off with a superset because I felt a bit tired and was hoping it would get me going. It somewhat worked but I basically just supersetted everything after that. Shoulder was giving me some pain even on the hammer strength. I tested it out on the bench and depending on where the bar traveled would determine how much pain I was in. I do however like to play with the seat height on the hammer strength as I feel it almost changes the workout completely which I liked.

Coming into the new years my goal was to be more active. I wanted to jump rope or do HIIT basically every workout to get some extra movement in but my calve was still tight. My legs hurt so I skipped putting too much pounding on them to let them rest. I did walk longer than 10 minutes which really isn't anything special but hopefully it helped my legs get some recovery.

I did roll my calves really good again last night which felt amazing but they tightened up again and are tight right now as I type this.