


DB curl superset with reverse underhand extension 4 sets
BB curl superset with rope extension 4 sets
DB hammer curl superset w/ bw dips



I finally decided to see my massage therapist for my leg pain. I called Thursday, no answer, no call back. Friday at work a lady I work with goes to her and texted that I called her. at about 3:30 I found out I had an apt at 5pm. Anyway she really worked on my ankle, lower back, and quad. Felt amazing and I think I may have fallen asleep for a bit because it was the first time I was comfortable in awhile. I was able to sleep that night too which was amazing. Saturday I had a good workout, normal arms and then a bunch of agility work. Again though I slept like a baby. Basketball on Sunday was rough. I played fairly decent but wow was the game exhausting. I felt good after the game but everyone wanted to keep going and that second game I felt drained. But it wasn't just me, I texted my brother after and said I was worn out and he said he felt the same way. Not sure why I would of ran more than normal but I was beat down. Sunday night I didn't sleep really well and my quad hurt just a bit, nothing like it has and not anywhere close to how it does on basketball nights. I also didn't really wind down like I normally do at night because of the Super Bowl so hopefully tonight I can sleep.