
Side lateral raise 4 sets
Face pull 4 sets
Flat DB press 4 sets
Hammer strength press 4 sets (last set was drop set)
Peck deck 4 sets
Cable high row superset w/ rope crunch and pull up hangs 3 sets
Low back extension 3 sets

Tried to switch things up a bit from the usual. Basically just a different order than I usually do. However I was able to use extremely light DB's to press. I did try the DB's on an incline bench and that didn't go so well but the press's on the flat bench weren't all that bad. The high cable row also felt amazing. The end of the workout I went with some rehab type things like just hanging on a pull up bar to let pressure off the spine. The lower back extension I basically just hung there, moved my arms around to really stretch the ham and lower back tie in.

Last night I didn't stretch the way I normally do, I did more static stretches to really just get the lower back and legs. I didn't use bands or any type of resistance stretches. I slept well, still woke up twice but was able to go back to sleep both times no problems, didn't seem to have pain in my quad even though right before bed I thought it was coming so I was thrilled to get a real nights rest.