
Ball slams superset w/ facepull 4 sets
Farmers walk 4 sets
Kettlebell swings superset w/ finger tip wall dribble 4 sets
Battleropes superset w/ seated calve raise 4 sets
Jump rope and hanging stretch 4 sets

My routine was thrown off when I walked in the gym. It was busy, not just busy for a Thursday which is usually dead but busy for any day at my gym. I've enjoyed getting in, doing the battle ropes, getting the heart rate up and then keeping it up the rest of the workout. I had to adjust the routine so I just went with it. Overall I think it was a fairly good workout. I end my workouts every time with 10 minutes on the treadmill walking. I've been doing it for awhile now but yesterday I felt like I had more in the tank and decided to throw one last set of farmers walks in. I went way lighter and went way further than I did in the early sets. I had a solid upper body pump going on which felt good.

Last night I was stretching my quad is either still super tight up around my hip or my IT band is stuck to the quad muscle. I really put some effort and pain into getting it to release. The leg didnt' seem to really bother me much last night, I felt it a bit but not like it has been.