

I'm putting in three days so I'm not going to break down the workout but I will say it felt awesome to be able to go heavy again on the workout. I was surprised I had very little pain if any during the workout. After the gym I also went home and went for a short bike ride but that felt pretty good.



First game back and flicking my wrist when I shot hurt a lot at the beginning. I didn't think I'd be able to shoot during the game but as I shot during warm ups it started to feel better and I didn't feel it too much during the game other than the flick feeling a little weaker than normal. My legs held up ok, not great but they weren't as lazy as I thought they would be. By the end I was dying but I heard some other guy who plays every week also say he was tired so maybe it was just a faster paced game. I did tweak my knee and ankle a bit during the game which didn't help.


Bike ride, tennis, bike ride

For whatever reason I skipped the gym, I had it in my head I wasn't going to go but that I still wanted to be active. I'm kind of glad I didn't go, my legs hurt in the morning from basketball. The bike ride was rough, my ankle hurt, my knee hurt, and my wrist hurt. But I made the best of it, did some tricks but backed out on some too just because my confidence in those parts hurting was low.

Got home and was invited to play tennis, I didn't really want to play but I was happy I did. Again my pinky hurt while swinging but once warmed up I felt good and played good. Funny enough my knee didn't hurt during tennis. It was humid and I was covered in sweat by the end. Later in the day I decided to hop on the bike again, it was a short ride to the local park to do some tricks on the park bench but the ground was too soft and wet and the bugs were out of control so I didn't stay long.