
Squat 4 sets
Box squat 3 sets
T bar row close grip 4 sets
T bar row wide grip 3 sets
Wide grip BB curl 4 sets
Close grip BB curl 3 sets

Jumprope superset w/ wall balls, straight bar pulldowns, and weighted crunch machine 3 sets

Quality workout, started off a little slow but got going. My knees were bothering me with the squat so even though I went a little heavy the reps weren't what I wanted. That's why I started doing box squats. After that I figured I'd keep the same movement for 7 sets and just switch up hand positions or whatever in order to change it up a bit. I enjoyed the workout and was happy with what I got done. It was super humid so I was sweating like crazy as well which felt nice.

So I continue to think I look better. Someone made a comment on Sunday about looking sort of fat but I think I was just bloated because yesterday and even this morning I look a lot better. But that type of comment alone sort of refocused me to increase intensity.