
Deadlift 4 sets
Weighted pull up 4 sets
T bar row 4 sets
DB curl 4 sets
BB curl 4 sets
Rope hammer curl 4 sets

Decided to test myself a bit and loaded up the weights on the deadlifts. To me 4 sets isn't enough to really max out as I feel like that's something better suited for 6 or 8 sets. Either way I went a lot heavier than last week just to see how it felt and it was good. But, the next exercise the pull ups were not very good. I think the extra weight on the deadlift took me time to recover and I felt it in the pull ups. T bar rows were back to being where I'd expect, went heavier than last week but might also have dropped a rep or two. Biceps got a good pump, nothing extreme to report, it's biceps, probably the most boring bodypart for training purposes.