
Squat 6 sets
Standing Calve raise 4 sets
Leg extension superset with lying leg curl 2 sets
Weighted pull up 4 sets
T bar row 4 sets
Straight bar pulldown 4 sets

Groin is improving, the tightness was still noticeable not nearly as bad. As long as I do the negative portion of the movement in complete control it's fine. So I was doing slow negatives and explosive pushes for the first 3 or 4 sets, the last 2 sets I increased the weight pretty heavy and just concentrated on getting a deep squat and not really the amount of reps I was getting. This flushed my legs with blood, so much so that when I was doing t bar rows my legs were wobbling as I was holding the weight. I also think I worked a bit to fast as I feel I gassed myself. I still pushed myself during the back portion of the workout but I was not nearly as fresh.