
Full body workout

Because I couldn't get to the gym on Thursday or Saturday I decided to do a full body workout. I was supersetting a lot of different exercises and concentrating on the bigger muscles rather than the arms. It wasn't the most intense workout because the weight wasn't anything ground breaking. I broke a nice sweat and got into a groove but it's tough to set PR's on shoulder press knowing you have to leg press and t bar row afterwards. I didn't get a great pump on any specific muscle but it is what it is.

I haven't been seeing great results in the mirror or on the scale lately. Probably because I've been missing a day here or there due to scheduling which sucks. Hopefully it'll start to settle down now for a bit.

Today I switched my diet a bit, I don't eat carbs for breakfast, so I eat eggs and use a whey isolate shake, I replaced the whey with Humapro to save 110 calories. Then I make a protein pudding for a snack and use half a scoop of whey isolate, so I upp'd the half scoop to almost a full scoop. Just playing with the nutrient timing a bit, saves 50 calories which isn't anything great but we'll see what happens.