
Box jumps 1 set
Tire flips
Squats with safety squat bar 4 sets
Rope Lat pulldown 3 sets
Barbell curl superset with rope pulldown 3 sets
Barbell step ups 3 sets

Yesterday was the nicest day of the year so far. It hit 80 degrees I think and I was hoping all day that my buddy would want to tire flip at the gym. As soon as I walked in he asked if I was interested. We went back and fourth flipping the tire and wow was it intense. I was breathing heavy, my chest was on fire, my forearms were pumped and shot, my legs were shaking, and I had marks all over my body from the tire. But it was a good workout. However when I got back in the gym I felt really shaky and weak. Not weak because of lack of food but weak because the tire was a load for me to move. The tire is almost as tall as I am so it was a struggle because we didn't rest. My partner is like twice my size so it wasn't anything for him but for me it's rough.

The thing I like is the first movement is almost like a dead lift but you need grip so sometimes the tire lands and the grip is wide then the next time the grip is close so you need to adjust to it every time. The rest of the workout was a struggle, I didn't go heavy with squats as I felt like my legs could give out at any time but almost more like a finishing move. I literally could feel every muscle firing in my legs at different times throughout the squat.

I also found out that I was dosing my Epitome right before bed and it would keep me awake for like a half hour for whatever reason so now I dose it an hour before bed and falling asleep has really improved