
So I took the weekend off from using Red Ghost and felt great. So I think I'm going to discontinue use of the product going forward. Last week I felt so crappy and just out of it. Almost like it was a lost week and I was a zombie just going through the motions. I don't like that feeling.

I didn't go to the gym on Saturday as my girl and I went out of town. We spent all day walking around the town we went to and shopping. So I did get a lot of walking in and usually was carrying bags around. So I put bags on both sides of my and sort of pretended I was doing farmers walks haha. We went to see a band at night and if you know who Sublime is, it was a tribute band to Sublime so I danced the night away. So even though I skipped the gym, I wasn't sitting home eating Cheetos all day.

Friday I got my Swole O Clock watch! The thing is pretty big. I like big faced watches and its around the same size as my biggest watch. It seems pretty heavy duty for the gym but I intend to wear it out. We went to eat on Friday for my buddies birthday and I wore it. Got some nice complements on it. It is defiantly an eye catcher with it's size. Even my father who is an old school guy with his gold and leather bands liked it. I want to get a few of the colors because of course it has to match whatever outfit I'm wearing for the night.

Back at the gym tonight, feel like I lost a week and I didn't eat the best this weekend so it's time to kick it into high gear.