
Flat DB press 4 sets
Incline Press 3 sets (last set was a superset)
Shoulder press 3 sets
Side Lateral Raise 3 sets
Decline close grip press 3 sets
Overhead rope extensions 3 sets

Decline hammer strength superset with face pulls superset with straight bar extension 3 sets

Workout full of PR's. I went to the gym with 1 PR in my head. I wanted to see how I felt and wanted to move up in weight on my flat db press. I got it for 3 reps. So I was happy with that. Then I got in a discussion with some people and it drove me to go for an incline PR which I got for 1 and wasn't thrilled with it so I did a drop set to get some extra reps in. Then went to do shoulder press and hit another PR and it felt kind of light tbh. So overall it was really solid workout. Until it was cardio time, the only elliptical in my gym that I like is broken. I tried to do some sprints on the other ellipticals and they feel like they are almost rusted at the foot pedal and they don't move smoothly. I'll need to find something I can do the HIIT on or work on the treadmill.

The pump was really solid yesterday. I feel like if you do a few sets with a decent number of reps (8-12) and then 1 heavy set that it really pulls blood into that muscle right after the heavy set.

Also last night I was home thinking I haven't been getting DOMS lately. I'll feel the muscle I worked the day before but I really don't have that intense pain that I'm used to getting from lifting heavy. Recovery is improved? Especially with a bit less calories.