
Squat 6 sets
Rope Lat Pulldown 3 sets
T Bar Row 3 sets
BB curl 3 sets
Seated DB Curl 3 sets

Leg press superset with wide grip lat pull down superset with rope hammer curl 3 sets
Standing Calve Raise superset with one arms cable curl superset with straight bar pulldown 3 sets

So I got out of work a few minutes late yesterday. It made me rush to the gym and I felt like I was rushing through the workout, almost like I was behind the whole workout. I don't usually get that much volume in on a Tuesday. I was a bit unhappy when I got to the gym though, the power racks where I squat were all taken so I had to do some smith machine squats. I really struggled with estimating the weight difference between the barbell and the smith machine. So on a set where I figured I'd get 8, I ended up getting 6 and the next set only got 4. So on my final set I got back to the rack, I decided to try a 20 rep squat set without locking out, I ended up getting 25 reps. The rest of the workout felt pretty good. I went up in weight on my t bar rows by 10lbs and added 2 extra reps from what I usually get. I wasn't resting much between sets and probably could of had better numbers but I got a nice pump from going quickly.

After a few people recommended me trying the ab wheel during my ab training I decided to give it a try. I did 2 sets of 10 and it was tough but I feel like it hurts my lower back right at the spine. Not sure if I'm doing them correctly and just need to work on my form or what. I'll have to watch some videos and compare it to my form.

Laxacrine- I got a lemon scent from it last night and this morning so maybe that's where I got the Mr. Clean scent from.