
Incline Bench 4 sets
Flat Bench 3 sets
Side Lateral Raise 3 sets
Standing shoulder press 3 sets
EZ bar skullcrushers into close grip press 3 sets
V bar extension 3 sets

Low cable crossover superset with cable side raise superset with DB overhead extension 3 sets

What a day to start a new supplement. I don't usually like working out on Monday holidays. I usually don't have the push to work hard in the gym for whatever reason. Maybe because I'm used to working out at night after work and on my days off I feel like if I don't get to the gym in the morning then I won't end up going. Today was a bit different. I had Laxacrine to test drive along with still getting plenty of energy from Pump Juice Extreme so the workout was solid. I went pretty heavy on all the exercises except for skullcrushers as I found I'd rather stay lighter because of form and elbow pain.

I did have a bit of pain in my left shoulder while doing incline presses during my heavy sets. Funny thing is it doesn't hurt when I'm actually doing shoulder presses but I was still happy with the weight I was moving. Last night I had to shovel snow and anytime I pushed the shovel with my left arm I could feel the shoulder with pain even when I wasn't pushing my snow. Back to the workout, I had a nice overall upper body pump going on. It wasn't an intense pump in one body part, just an overall bigger feeling across the top of my body.

Laxacrine first impression:

Lotion: I will admit I was never a fan of PP's Dermacrine carrier. I felt like it was runny and didn't dry very well. I knew BPS improved the carrier but I was a bit skeptical. However at first pump it seemed like a thicker gel than the lotion I thought it would be. It did seem to dry really quickly as well. I was pleasantly surprised. If I go to 2 pumps during the log I'll be able to judge better on how more of the lotion spreads.

Smell: The smell isn't bad and for whatever reason when I started applying it, the first thing that came to mind was "Mr. Clean" but it doesn't smell like that at all. I did a double take and smelled my hands again and I don't get a Mr. Clean scent but that's what came to mind at first smell. Doesn't make sense to me but whatever. It doesn't smell bad and the overall scent isn't super strong.

So far so good, let the gainz begin