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      Young Gotti's Avatar
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      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal
      So I've decided to log some products along with journal my training.

      Bulk Season

      Weight: 167sh
      Diet: 2600-2700 calories
      Training: 4 days lifting per week, hitting each muscle group twice a week, Wednesdays are cardio and abs, doing 10 minute HIIT cardio on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday

      My diet has changed from the beginning of the year and I reduce carbs at the beginning of each month until I basically only have 1 meal with carbs which is post workout. As I reduce my carbs I'm increasing my healthy fats.

      So for example this week:
      Monday: Legs/Back/Bi
      Tuesday: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
      Wednesday: Cardio/abs
      Thursday: Legs/Back/Bi
      Friday: Off
      Saturday: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
      Sunday: Off

      Then the next week it's
      Monday: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
      Tuesday: Legs/Back/Bis
      Wednesday: Cardio/abs
      Thursday: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
      Friday: Off
      Saturday: Legs/Back/Bis
      Sunday: Off

      The Monday and Tuesday are more based towards strength while Thurs and Sat are more volume based.

      Evomuse Slintensity
      Premium Powders Omega 3-6-9
      Premium Powders Whole Food Multivitamin
      Mr Supps Whey Isolate
      AST Creatine
      I Force Mass Gainz
      GSN Phytofuze
      I Force Compete
      AI Sports Recoverpro
      AST Urso-X
      Mr Supps Pump Juice Extreme

      I might be forgetting something or might add some more things and I'll make notes of that if I do.

      Come and join the ride as I attempt to get lean while keeping as much muscle as I can.

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    2. #2
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      Squat 6 sets
      Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 3 sets
      T Bar Row 3 sets
      DB curl 3 sets
      Seated Hammer Curl 3 sets

      Standing calve raises superset with straight bar pulldown superset with preacher curl machine 3 sets
      Leg extension superset with leg curl superset with weighted lower back extension 3 sets

      Really enjoyed the workout. Everything felt good and I felt like I was flying around the gym. But lets get right to the culprit.

      Pump Juice Extreme:

      Taste: Taste is really good, in this log I logged a watermelon flavored product but I think this flavor is a lot better, stronger, and more watermelon. Almost like a watermelon jolly rancher, the after taste reminded me of fruity pebbles. However it did have a touch of chemical taste to it. After I drank it I ended up having some burps too but it tasted like jolly ranchers.....I think the cheese and junk from the weekend is breaking up in my body or something

      Energy: I've just been using coffee or whatever for the last few months. It felt awesome to get some real energy to workout with again for the first time in awhile. I was moving quickly around the gym. Even caught myself doing sets after very short rests. I had to stop myself and give myself some extra time on a couple occasions.

      Focus: Focus was great. Maybe because I haven't used this much stimulants in awhile but I felt zoned in on what I was doing and usually I just have music playing but yesterday I was really aware of the song that was on at each time....big daddy kane spitting some knowledge

      Pumps: Pumps were good and different. I don't do a bunch of sets in a row for a body part so I don't get a crazy pump each workout. Today though I had a solid pump in all my body parts that were worked within in the working 6 sets I did. The funny part is after squatting if I get a pump I feel like my legs are jello with a pump. This time I had a pump but my legs felt solid, they didn't feel weakened from the squats at all.

      The one thing I was afraid of and it didn't happen was tingles from the beta alanine. I'm not a big fan of the tingles and feel like it hampers the workout. I didn't feel any tingles at all. Which ties into the taste, maybe I got more of an ingredient and not much beta alanine in my scoop so I shook the container for today's dose to make sure I'm getting everything.

      Side Note: I was picked to run BPS Laxogenin product for a log, we carry the sublingual version, this is the topical version. So to prevent interfering I up'd my dose of Urso X to 9 caps a day instead of 6 and might go higher than that so I can run out before I start the Laxogenin.

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      great log man. i will be following along and you take a ton of supps lol. great to learn a bit from someone with good supp knowledge
      TGBSupplements REP


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    4. #4
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      DB flat press 3 sets
      Incline bench 3 sets
      Seated Shoulder press 3 sets
      Side lateral raise 3 set
      DB behind the head press 3 sets
      Underhand straight bar extension 3 sets

      Hammer strength press superset with rope extension superset with leaning side lateral raise 3 sets

      Started off solid. I went into the gym and wanted to go after a DB weight that I've been working towards for awhile and was able to get it on my last set for 5 reps. I even had to pause after the set and thought I could of went up another 5 lbs just to see what it felt like but decided against it. Matched my incline press weights, I just can't seem to get past a certain weight but my 10 and 8 rep sets are steadily increasing. Seated press felt ok but I'm too short for these seated BB presses, the gym used to have these pads that made it accessible for me but it's too difficult without them to pull forward, feels like I might hurt myself even though the presses themselves are manageable. After that the workout went downhill, not because of anything training related. I took my headphones out for a second and got trapped in a conversation with the guy who calls me coach. Talking about workout structure and squat rep ranges.

      Again I didn't get any beta tingles from the pump juice extreme which is fine by me. I'd rather not have the tingles. The energy again was clean and crisp. I get a boost in energy but the last 2 days it's almost made me happy. I'm in the gym in a good mood and ready to work. The focus has been solid. The pumps were good again but not crazy. Thursday and Saturday are usually higher volume and we'll see what happens with the pumps on those days.

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      great log man. i will be following along and you take a ton of supps lol. great to learn a bit from someone with good supp knowledge
      haha thanks for following along, I guess I've been doing them so long it doesn't seem like a lot anymore for me....taking an omega cap with a meal has just become normal for me, I mix my creatine with my intraworkout aminos at this point, and the phytofuze I use at night after dinner, I love the idea of greens and veggies drinks since a lot of bodybuilders don't get enough but it also calms my sweet tooth for the night...anything to keep me away from the ice cream haha

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by Young Gotti View Post
      haha thanks for following along, I guess I've been doing them so long it doesn't seem like a lot anymore for me....taking an omega cap with a meal has just become normal for me, I mix my creatine with my intraworkout aminos at this point, and the phytofuze I use at night after dinner, I love the idea of greens and veggies drinks since a lot of bodybuilders don't get enough but it also calms my sweet tooth for the night...anything to keep me away from the ice cream haha
      i been adding spinach into a couple meals a day for both the nitrates and as a filler. i would say that your powder greens have the same nitrate profile as a couple cups of spinach does
      TGBSupplements REP


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      HIIT Cardio

      Abs- 4 or 5 sets of sit ups

      5 minutes LISS cardio

      Cardio day and my legs were super sore, I kind of figured it wasn't going to be enjoyable. Once you get going and sprinting you don't even notice your legs being sore though. Just stretch a bit and give ample warm up time and your good to go. The sprints aren't getting easier however I feel like my lungs don't burn nearly as much as they did.

      This Wednesday was a bit different than my other Wednesday training days. I read an article about fat targeting your abs. And even though it was just an article and I'm not sure I buy in I figured it couldn't hurt to try here or there. The principle is to do some HIIT cardio, then ab work, then more cardio, then ab work, and then cardio again. The article talked about in men that are abs are usually cold to the touch but our arms which don't hold fat are warmer. So you want to warm up the abs and get blood into them and while they are warm, burn calories in order to help spot reduce fat in the ab area. As you see I didn't exactly do that as I feel like going back and fourth takes to long and before you know it your at the gym forever. But I did my normal cardio routine, then did crunches, and instead of doing another set or two before leaving, I decided to walk on the treadmill for a few more minutes and I may try to do something similar to this more often to see if I see a difference.

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      i been adding spinach into a couple meals a day for both the nitrates and as a filler. i would say that your powder greens have the same nitrate profile as a couple cups of spinach does
      I never considered the nitrates in the powder, interesting...

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by Young Gotti View Post
      I never considered the nitrates in the powder, interesting...
      beets and spinach have the highest concentrations of nitrates and i would assume your powder has spinach in it(which is the highest that i have found) beets are an awesome source for nitrates but they are super high on the gi scale, which i also havent figured out yet(high sugar content) because they are bitter to me. idk but we need lots of nitrates without trading off with sugars
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Great log, subscribed

    11. #11
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      beets and spinach have the highest concentrations of nitrates and i would assume your powder has spinach in it(which is the highest that i have found) beets are an awesome source for nitrates but they are super high on the gi scale, which i also havent figured out yet(high sugar content) because they are bitter to me. idk but we need lots of nitrates without trading off with sugars
      yeah i just thought "nitrates" when i started taking the product....i was mainly looking for a way to improve vitamin absorption and vegetable intake

      but closer look phytofuze doesn't have spinach....kelp, but never looked into nitrate content in kelp

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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Nice job man, keep crushing
      "You don't know how strong you are until strong is your only option."

    13. #13
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      Quote Originally Posted by LittleTom View Post
      Nice job man, keep crushing
      thanks for following

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    14. #14
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal

      Quote Originally Posted by Young Gotti View Post
      yeah i just thought "nitrates" when i started taking the product....i was mainly looking for a way to improve vitamin absorption and vegetable intake

      but closer look phytofuze doesn't have spinach....kelp, but never looked into nitrate content in kelp
      here is another companies ingredients in their green formula:


      Blueberry, Black raspberry, Mulberry, Pineapple power, Bilberry, Papaya, Camu camu, Luo han guo (monk fruit), Broccoli power, Carrot powder, Purple sweet potato, Kelp, FOS, Chlorella, Papain, Bromelain, PQQ, Acai extract.

      kale does have some nitrates in it but it is pretty low on the scale. here is another breakdown of how they rank:

      Here are the top ten widely available sources, and with all this talk about beet juice you’d think beets might be number 1, but they just barely made the top ten list. Swiss chard has more; next comes oak leaf lettuce; then beet greens; basil; spring greens, like mesclun mix; butter leaf lettuce; cilantro; rhubarb; and arugula. Now beet juice would actually be here, but we always want to choose whole foods to maximize the nutrition.There was actually one stem vegetable, and it came in number 2—rhubarb! But 8 out of the top ten are green leafies, with the winner by a large margin being arugula! 18 times more nitrate than kale! I may have a new favorite vegetable.
      TGBSupplements REP


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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Leg extension superset with lying leg curl superset with t bar row 3 sets
      Weighted Bulgarian split squat superset with pull ups 3 sets
      Leg press superset with close grip lat pull down 3 sets
      Standing Calve Raises superset with rope pull down 3 sets
      Barbell curl 3 sets
      Seated DB curl 3 sets
      High cable curl superset with seat rope row 3 sets

      Got a lot of volume in the workout. I feel like it was a nice mixture of compound and isolation movements. I got a little of each and the rep ranges were all over the place. Got a nice pump in my squads from the Bulgarian split squats and my biceps really got a good blood flow from the curls. I'm really enjoying DB curls lately. Seated DB curls seem to really but challenging at certain weight but also create a nice pump. The one downfall is since I've been doing the twice a week splits, I'm not focusing on pull ups on back day. So just doing bodyweight pull ups seem to be getting difficult even though all my other back movements are going up in weight. I think it's more of not practicing the movement as often and not actually a strength loss. It just felt awkward when I was doing the movement.

      All in all I felt like it was a good workout. Of course I meant to weigh myself last night but forgot. I really need to make it a point to do it once a week for the log.

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