
HIIT Cardio

Abs- 4 or 5 sets of sit ups

5 minutes LISS cardio

Cardio day and my legs were super sore, I kind of figured it wasn't going to be enjoyable. Once you get going and sprinting you don't even notice your legs being sore though. Just stretch a bit and give ample warm up time and your good to go. The sprints aren't getting easier however I feel like my lungs don't burn nearly as much as they did.

This Wednesday was a bit different than my other Wednesday training days. I read an article about fat targeting your abs. And even though it was just an article and I'm not sure I buy in I figured it couldn't hurt to try here or there. The principle is to do some HIIT cardio, then ab work, then more cardio, then ab work, and then cardio again. The article talked about in men that are abs are usually cold to the touch but our arms which don't hold fat are warmer. So you want to warm up the abs and get blood into them and while they are warm, burn calories in order to help spot reduce fat in the ab area. As you see I didn't exactly do that as I feel like going back and fourth takes to long and before you know it your at the gym forever. But I did my normal cardio routine, then did crunches, and instead of doing another set or two before leaving, I decided to walk on the treadmill for a few more minutes and I may try to do something similar to this more often to see if I see a difference.