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    1. #646
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      DB hammer curl superset w/ wide grip handle extensions 4 sets
      Incline DB hammer curl superset w/ rope extension 4 sets
      Double high cable curl superset w/ db behind head extension 4 sets

      Farmers walks, ab work

      I was at the gym for about 45 minutes instead of my normal hour but it seemed like I was there a lot shorter period of time. I had somewhere to be at 915 and the gym doesn't open until 8. I sort of knew after my appointment I wasn't going to want to go to the gym at that point so I went in and got a quick workout. I'm glad I did, I sat at the car dealership for 3 hours waiting, it was awful. By the time I left I was furious, tired, and had a headache. Anyway I didn't think the workout was anything special. But I woke up Sunday and my biceps were sore which hasn't happened in months. I know it's not an indicator of a good workout but it was a welcomed surprise. My abs were also sore since I switched up what I usually do. That was also a nice surprise.



      I played like garbage but when I look back at it, I think only 3 people played well. It felt like a weird game of basketball. The team was not spacing the floor well or moving like they should. Almost like everyone was tired. I didn't feel tired and felt like I was moving more than anyone but it didn't amount to much. Good cardio though as I was soaked and felt like I did a lot of running.

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    2. #647
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      This week

      This is my final week of dieting. I'm on vacation starting tomorrow.

      I still went to the gym or played basketball this week but work has been insane so I haven't had time to really log on each morning and log my workouts.

      So I'll just summarize some of what I did, Monday was my legs and back work, I didn't go super heavy with my deadlifts but everything for the workout had higher reps that usual. I also cut down a bit on cardio actually to get as much blood into the muscles as much as possible. Since I'm low on carbs I wanted to deplete everything out of the muscle that I could.

      Tuesday was basketball. Ran a lot of sweat a lot. I was drenched, which is basically everytime with basketball but this felt like extra sweat on my compression tank. Good cardio

      Wednesday was chest and shoulders, I basically followed the same rules as Monday, really trying to squeeze everything.

      I lowered my calories a bit during Mon thru Wed as well. Kept protein high but my calories were super low and I felt it. The lower calories couples with the different work schedule and some stress had me worn out. People all week were telling me that I looked tired. I felt sluggish.

      Thursday was my birthday and I have some stuff to do before vacation so Wednesday was my last day of work out. I still did my stretching routine on Thursday and even did some YOGA style work as well. I re-introduced carbs back into my diet last night for my birthday dinner. Today I came into work extra early so I can get the vacation started earlier but I feel much better now with some carbs.

      Time to relax on vacation and start reintroducing more food into my diet as we get into the fall and winter.

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    3. #648
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      Back at it

      I'm back from vacation, I let myself just eat, relax, and drink whatever I wanted on vacation. I gained 4 or 5lbs which was expected. I needed to break. Towards the end, when vacation was close, I was running on fumes. I needed time off from the gym and needed some big calories.

      While I don't look as lean as when I went, I'm not unhappy with how I look. Actually my muscles look more full now than when I went.

      So this week in the gym I'm not going to push it, just get the form on the lifts back. I'm not adding any supplements this week either.

      Next week I will start Follidrone 2.0 and Iconogenin as I attempt to gain some lean mass going into the fall and winter.

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    4. #649
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      Standing shoulder press 4 sets
      Reverse peck deck 3 sets
      Flat bench 4 sets
      Peck Deck 3 sets
      Rope extension 4 sets
      Underhand extension 3 sets

      Jump rope superset with cable side raises 3 sets
      Chest press machine superset w/ pushdown machine 3 sets

      Farmers walks 4 sets

      First day back felt good. I was somewhat looking forward to it all day. I didn't go heavy or extremely push myself but everything felt really good. Even the jump rope where I've noticed if I don't do it for a few days I'm rusty, I was going and going with it at pretty fast speeds.

      It may be time for a new mattress, I've been thinking it for some time now but I slept like a baby on vacation and now 2 nights I haven't sleep well. Last night my trap tightened up and my lower back was in pain. I tried multiple things to fall asleep but it was painful. After 11 days away from the gym I was hoping all the tightness would go away but it might not be the gym overall, could be the mattress and sleeping poorly. Just another expense I don't want to have haha.

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    5. #650
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      Chest pad t bar row 4 sets
      Hammer strength low row 3 sets
      DB curl 4 sets
      Preacher curl machine 3 sets
      Leg extension superset w/ seated leg curl 3 sets
      Leg press 4 sets

      jump rope superset w/ straight bar pulldown and wall balls 3 sets

      Farmers walks 4 sets

      I really wanted to squat yesterday. I was in pain all morning, so much that it zapped my energy and made me miserable. Finally I took something and it got better as the day went. So I was ready to squat, got to the gym and ppl were doing who knows what in the squat racks. Two want to be powerlifters were in one rack squatting, the other rack...I dunno...two guys were going back and fourth doing hanging leg raises and pull ups, the other guy who knows. Anyway I went back and biceps first in hopes that it would free up. It didn't so I just went along with my business. It was still a decent workout for what I was able to do. I did a different type of farmers walk as well, instead of a suitcase walk, I held to kettlebells up near my chin and walked with them, figured since I did biceps, that position would allow me to keep my bicep flexed for a decent amount of time.

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    6. #651
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      Side lateral raise 4 sets
      Hammer Strength press 4 sets
      DB behind head extension 4 sets
      Db high row 3 sets
      Cable crossover 3 sets
      V bar extension 3 sets

      Farmers walk with trap bar 3 sets
      Decline hammer strength press 3 sets

      Solid workout, not the big compound movements but I think going forward when I do chest twice in a week I'm using the hammer strength for my chest, I really like how my chest feels through the whole movement. I had a nice pump going in my whole upper body and it was empty enough to grab the trap bar and do some walks across the gym. Felt good to be back.

      Grabbed the bike again last night after it cooled down a bit. It was enjoyable to ride around town again with the breeze. If you've never done tricks on a bike, when you pull up, it hits the bottom area of the bicep better than any exercise I've ever done and my bicep is super sore right now which is awesome.

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    7. #652
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      Yard work


      Squat 6 sets
      Pull ups 4 sets
      T bar row 4 sets
      Leg press 4 sets
      DB curl 4 sets
      Preacher curl machine 3 sets

      Jump rope superset with straight bar pulldown 3 sets

      It's been super busy plus the holiday. I've still worked out in someway or another though. Saturday I was asked to play tennis so I figured I would since summer is almost over and we played for 2 hours which was a good workout. Sunday was basketball, ended up being 4 on 4 so there was more running than usual. Monday our gym was closed which didn't make me happy but I cut the grass and tried to stay outside doing things until I couldn't take the heat anymore, I was dripping sweat and exhausted. Back at the gym Tuesday and it went well, strength was a bit off but I haven't done some of those movements in a few weeks however it all felt really good. My legs are super sore this morning. I'm still contemplating doing chest today and then legs again tomorrow but we'll see how sore my legs are later today. I may just end up doing a cardio day today.

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    8. #653
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      Default Re: Young Gotti's Journal


      Flat bench 5 sets
      Side lateral raise 4 sets
      Facepull 4 sets
      Hammer strength press 4 sets
      Pushdown machine 4 sets
      Underhand extension 4 sets

      Jump rope superset w/ weighted crunch machine 3 sets
      Jump rope superset w/ farmers walks 3 set
      Jump rope superset w/ side cable fly 1 arm 3 sets

      More so than the workout. I am so sore, my legs hurt really bad haha, getting in and out of bed was a difficult task. Anyway the workout went well. Strength isn't where it was before my vacation just yet but everything felt pretty good. The pump was really good. I think most of all the vacation must have really helped my tired legs because my jump roping has been insane. I am able to go faster and do better footwork than I have in awhile on the jump rope. It feels good to be back to that feeling.

      Now I did chest and shoulders in hopes to hit legs again today. I still may do legs and back but I'm thinking about staying with more isolation movements because of how sore I am. Not to push the muscle too much but get some fresh blood in there and do more accessory stuff to set me up better for next week.

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    9. #654
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      Lat pulldown 4 sets
      Standing calve raise 4 sets
      Rope hammer curl 4 sets
      Leg extension superset w/ seated leg curl 3 sets
      Hip machine 3 sets
      Close grip cable row 3 sets
      DB hammer curl 3 sets
      Rope pulldown 2 sets

      Farmers walks 3 sets

      Nothing to crazy here. I was supersore everywhere, just getting out of a chair was difficult. It's been awhile since I was this sore but I also never trained a body part that was sore like this either. I felt it as soon as I started doing lat pulldowns, my lats were sore but I guess it helped with muscle connection since I could feel every muscle they were working. Decided since my calves were fresh to hit those for good measure. Leg extensions were tough, felt like I was doing half reps since I'd get to a point and not be able to squeeze the quad anymore. I figured once I was done with the workout that my body would feel better with some pump and blood but it didn't, it was still pretty tough to walk and all.

      This morning I'm still sore but it's a lot better than it was. Got to love weight training

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    10. #655
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      DB curl superset w/ straight bar extension 4 sets
      BB curl superset w/ overhead rope extension 4 sets
      Double cable curl super w/ DB behind head extension 4 sets

      Agility work:
      Jump rope, ladder runs, kettle bell swings

      Solid workout. It was a little difficult to decide what tricep stuff I wanted to do but once I got going it was all good. The pump in the arms was really good. It was chilly outside so I was thrilled to be in a gym that wasn't so stuffy. I was wrong, it was still stuffy. I had to open the 2nd floor door and prop it open to let some of the crisp air in because I was dying. I think the warm air got trapped and needed to be circulated. Anyway the agility work went well, felt a bit slow since it's been a bit since I did it but still pretty fun.



      It wasn't a bad run at all but my legs were still a little sore from the week so I felt sluggish at times. There was times when I knew I should cut but didn't, the fact I thought about if I should run or not was not a good sign. I saved it towards the end though as I hit the last 2 3pters for our team for the win.

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    11. #656
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      Standing shoulder press 4 sets
      Reverse peck deck 3 sets
      Incline bench 4 sets
      Peck deck 3 sets
      Reverse under hand extension 4 sets
      Straight bar extension 3 sets

      Jump rope superset with cable crossover, underhand extension, side lateral raise 3 sets

      Good quality workout. My left shoulder was tight a little but I was really happy with how everything else felt. The form on all the lifts felt great and the squeeze on my tricep work was top notch. The jump rope didn't go well as I was tripping up quicker than I'm used to but when I'm supersetting it with 3 other movements I could see myself getting a bit tired.

      It's been a week on follidrone and iconogenin, I've only used 1 pump am and 1 pump pm on the iconogenin, I'm waiting for a fresh bottle to come in to increase it to 2 pumps twice a day instead. I do need to improve my diet though, I feel like I haven't been eating the greatest with fantasy football, football and everything else. It seems to happen every year but I should be able to get things back in order fairly easy.

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      The guy who has access to the gym said we weren't playing yesterday about a week ago but that changed. I had my mind set on going to the gym and was looking forward to it but when we were able to play I figured why not play. It was a somewhat rough go of things. Our team got killed, I shot like garbage, and the rest of the team wasn't much better but it's still a great workout. Sunday games are with older guys on a smaller court but this is a big court with kids in their 20's so it's a much faster game.

      With how my diet has been the extra cardio was welcomed even if I couldn't sleep after the game and I'm super tired right now

      I got my iconogenin so tonight i'll start 2 pumps on the bottle I have now since I forgot this morning

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    13. #658
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      Deadlift 4 sets
      Seated high rope row 3 sets
      Leg press 4 sets
      DB curl 4 sets
      Preacher curl machine 3 sets
      Leg extension superset w/ seated leg curl 3 sets
      Wall Balls 3 sets

      DB hammer curl 3 sets
      Vertical leg press 3 sets

      I had some trouble yesterday. I was tired from basketball all day but that wasn't the issue as I felt awake at the gym. During the day my knee started to hurt. Not in a sore way, more so in a something was weak in there and it wasn't stable. Worst part was I joke with a lady at work that has a bad knee but by the end of the day her and I were hobbling along. So doing leg press and some other leg movements made the knee feel weak and unstable. Even walking on the treadmill didn't feel great as I was hoping it would loosen things up but didn't. Funny part is when I got home and went through my stretching and foam rolling routine, the pain somewhat went away.

      Anyway, no gym today as I'm going to see Joe Rogan after work tonight. I can not wait

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      Side lateral raise 4 sets
      Reverse peck deck 3 sets
      Flat Bench 6 sets
      Hammer strength press 3 sets
      Straight bar extension 4 sets
      Reverse underhand extension 3 sets

      Jump rope superset w/ BW dips 3 sets
      Farmers walks superset w/ weighted ab machine 3 sets

      Felt good to be back at the gym however it was kind of uninspiring. The weight on my bench felt ok but my stamina or form did not. I'd get 3 or 4 solid reps and then it would feel like a struggle, not the weight overall but the action and the breathing. That's why I did some extra sets to hopefully find my groove. I also felt like the time flew by and I didn't get to do as much as I would have liked. Once I got to the dips though, wow my upper body really filled up and felt pumped.

      So I jump rope usually until I trip up assuming it was pretty good and quick for a little while. Yesterday I hit a set on the rope that just didn't end, I was going faster and faster and wasn't tripping up. It got to a point where my shoulders and arms were burning, I think my arms gave out before I tripped up.

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      Sounds like great determination to me... Keep it up!
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