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    1. #631
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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      DB curl superset w/ reverse underhand extension 4 sets
      BB curl superset w/ bw dips 4 sets
      Double high cable curl superset w/ ez bar behind head extension 4 sets

      A lot of cardio/accessory work. Farmers walks, jump rope, ball slams, and ladder runs.

      It was a real enjoyable workout. It all felt good, I felt good and in the zone. The most fun part was after the lifting. I can't get away from the lifting but doing stuff like ladder runs and trying to mix it up is challenging and sort of makes the workout more creative. I was really enjoying coming up with different ways to use the ladder or ball slam then run the ladder, whatever it was.

      Saturday afternoon my buddy had a party at this lake house. It was raining but we still went swimming, the swimming wasn't the problem. Once I dove off the dock, my foot slipped on the water that was on the deck. I hit the water fine but my legs sort of flipped over my head and tweaked my lower back. It hurt at first but sort of felt better as the night went on. Sunday morning though it was super tight and foam rolling, stretching, running a tiger tail over it didn't help.



      Not many people showed up. It ended up 4 on 4 so we did a lot more running than a 5 on 5 game which was nice. However along the way I got a deadlegger and on the last play bent my bad thumb back and hurt it again. What else is new. My lower back hurt the whole day as well.

      Last night my Epsom salt bath really was needed and hopefully will help.

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    2. #632
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      Standing shoulder press 4 sets
      Reverse peck deck 3 sets
      Flat bench 4 sets
      Decline hammer strength 3 sets
      Rope extension 4 sets
      Underhand extension 3 sets

      Jump rope superset w/ cable side lateral raise, chest press machine 3 sets
      Jump rope superset w/ straight bar extension 3 sets

      I crashed hard after lunch yesterday. I was at work feeling like a straight zombie and I didn't know why. Even my coffee wasn't doing a thing for me to wake up. Right at the end of the day I started to feel a little better. The gym workout was good though. I felt more awake and better than I did at work. I didn't break any PR's or anything but the work still felt good and solid.

      I'm running low on creatine powder so I opened up some creatine nitrate caps I had in my stash and wow the pump was crazy. I'm a big fan of potassium nitrates because I feel like other nitrates just don't give me that same pump but I guess going from nothing to creatine nitrate, I felt the balloon effect.

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    3. #633
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      Ran again last night. It wasn't that much fun. I have to remember it's for the calorie burn more so than anything and I def got some good calorie burn. I had a heavy sweat going on and I was out of breath very often. However I feel like my legs need a break. There were times when I had to shift on defense, I knew I had to shift but my legs didn't want to. I'd get over in time but it didn't feel like a smooth movement, it was more like moving in wet cement. I also was on a team with some guy who thinks he's James Harden and dribbles too much and really only passes when he has to, he doesn't move the ball to create a better shot for someone else.

      Anyway I'm finishing this week of workouts and probably taking next Monday off. It's my mothers birthday anyway and I have some family coming in to visit so I'll most likely use that as a rest day.

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    4. #634
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      Weighted pull up 4 sets
      Weighted box jumps 3 sets
      Squat 5 sets
      DB curl 4 sets

      Wall ball superset with high cable close grip row 3 sets
      Seated calve raise superset w/ DB hammer curl 3 sets

      Farmers walks superset with rope pulldown 3 sets

      I was super tired yesterday again after lunch. It was hard to stay motivated at work and even less motivated for the gym. Pulling out of the work parking lot it crossed my mind to just skip the gym. I ended up going to the gym and it wasn't a bad workout. I think the worst part was the squat, everything felt really good. I had good form, I was getting deep, the weight wasn't bad but the endurance was trash. I was getting super worn out quicker into my sets. Because of this I did an extra set to get the reps up a bit. I also skipped the jumprope work just to give my legs a little less impact for the day.

      Iconogenin is in full effect right now though. My knee pain has been a lot more manageable which happens with Lax products. I also feel a touch more lean day in and day out. I'm really happy with the way things are going right now in terms of the mirror.

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    5. #635
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      Incline bench 4 sets
      Peck deck 3 sets
      Reverse Peck deck 3 sets
      Wide grip high row 4 sets
      Behind head DB extension 4 sets
      Rope extensions 3 sets

      Jumprope superset w/ BW Dips and side lateral raise 3 sets
      Jumprope superset w/ underhand extensions and chest press machine 3 sets

      Felt much better yesterday entering the gym than I have all week. I was ready to go and felt like I had a pretty good workout. I would of liked to do the side lateral raise earlier and heavier in the workout but the gym was actually busy so I went with a movement I haven't done in awhile. I'm usually against going really heavy with high rows because of how your shoulders are angled but I figured doing it once every so often shouldn't be too bad.

      I'm happy to have an off day today, not sure what I'm doing after work but I'm looking forward to taking advantage of the rest day.

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    6. #636
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      DB superset w/ v bar extension 4 sets
      BB curl superset w/ underhand extension 4 sets
      DB hammer curl superset w/ rope extension 4 sets

      A bunch of conditioning style work. Quick footwork, farmers carries, ladder runs, jump rope, box jumps

      Tennis in the afternoon

      My plan was to go into the gym and really work on some footwork for basketball. I was watching this youtube workout and it looked fun so I figured I'd do some of it. The workout itself was great and playing with the footwork drills was great. The humidity in the gym first thing in the morning was crazy and I was sweating buckets. Just when I thought I was done for the day I was asked to play tennis which I did. I didn't play very well but it was again humid and the extra workout I figured couldn't hurt.




      Played basketball and played really well. However at the end I was toast. I don't know what it was but it felt like a really cardio heavy game of basketball. Even my brother who played said he felt like there was more movement than other weeks and we were both drained. I went home, had some water and got outside do cut the grass, pick weeds, spray weeds, and do all sorts of other stuff to get my yard back in order.

      I'm taking today off from the gym. It is much needed though, my legs feel like jello today. The extra work during the weekend helps ease my mind about the day off. Hopefully it really helps as I move forward towards vacation to have today off and let my body rebuild as I've been working out 6 out of 7 days a week for about 3 months now.

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    7. #637
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      Off day

      Originally I planned for it to be an off day because we were going to go out for my mothers birthday. However we went out Sunday night instead. I kept the off day just because I feel like I've been a bit worn down lately and needed an extra day or two away from the gym. I had some things to do around the house anyway. It's been raining almost everyday the last two weeks here and I got water in my basement so I wanted to get in there and really clean it up and make sure nothing of value was touched.

      I still did my stretches though. I foam roll, use some bands, lacrosse ball work, and regular stretches. Hopefully this helps a bit but right now my left trap feels tight. I stretched my shoulder alittle and it released a little so as the day goes on I hope it gets loose.

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    8. #638
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      Trap bar deadlift 5 sets
      Straight bar pulldown 3 sets
      Rope cable curl 4 sets
      Preacher curl machine 3 sets
      Leg extension superset w/ seated leg curl 4 sets
      Leg press 4 sets

      Jumprope superset w/ Close grip high cable row 3 sets
      Footwork superset w/ push out hip machine and weighted crunch machine 3 sets

      Basketball got cancelled last night because we couldn't get enough people. Luckily I've been bringing my gym clothes with me to work. The gym work was welcomed though, I felt like I haven't been there in awhile even though I was there Saturday morning. The deadlifts were a little ehhh. I've researched out the trap bar deadlift really helps with explosiveness for basketball but I think I'm going back to the regular bar next time. Everything else felt pretty good. Now I don't know how to organize today and tomorrow's workout. If I feel good after work I'll do chest and shoulders. Then worry about tomorrow when we get there, but we'll see how the work day goes.

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    9. #639
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      Side lateral raise 4 sets
      Reverse Peck Deck 3 sets
      Flat bench 4 sets
      Peck deck 3 sets
      Pushdown machine 4 sets
      Overhead rope extension 3 sets

      Jump rope superset w/ reverse hack squat press 3 sets
      Jump rope superset w/ a bunch of random work

      Got to the gym and decided to go with shoulders and chest. It worked ok. I didn't feel super tired but when I watched the clock I must have been moving slow and taking extra time between sets without paying attention. I got through my normal stuff and thought, I don't have much time left for extra volume. I did want to do the hack squat press though since I feel like it works shoulders, chest, legs, etc. After I did that I basically was jumping rope and doing whatever to hit the muscles a bit more but just 1 set and not full 3 or 4 sets.

      Not a bad workout overall. Just not sure what I'll do today since I hit everything the last two days.

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    10. #640
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      Squat 4 sets
      Lat pulldown 4 sets
      DB curl 4 sets

      Jumprope superset w/ wall ball and weighted low back extension 3 sets
      Jumprope superset w/ DB hammer curl, seated calve raise, and outward thigh machine 3 sets

      I just did legs and back two days ago so I didn't know how things were going to go. I didn't feel sore or tight so I figured I'd give it a shot. I kept it light on the squat and I'm glad I did. I didn't feel tight at all but it was tough to get low during the squat. After that everything was good. The wall balls which involve squatting felt way better than they usually do. Maybe it was because I stayed light on the squat or maybe it took me longer to get loose but I was getting the ball higher on the wall, into the set I didn't feel fatigued as quick, and I felt like I was getting low. I tried to do somethings I don't do either to hit muscles a way I don't usually, like the hip machine, calve raises and the lower back extensions.

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    11. #641
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      DB curl superset w/ rope extension 4 sets
      EZ bar preacher curl superset w/ reverse overhead extension 4 sets
      DB hammer curl superset w/ under hand extension 4 sets

      Conditioning work: jump rope, ladder runs, farmers walks

      Saturday's workout once again turned into a really solid footwork and conditioning day. I did get a really good pump and went pretty heavy on the arms first but after that I had fun coming up with agility style things. I had a crazy sweat going and felt super winded. I've said it before but its worth a mention. Farmers walks after doing arms creates one of the craziest burns you'll experience in a muscle.



      Not the average game of basketball. We only had 7 people total. So we played 3 on 3 and the other team had a sub. However instead of playing half court the other guys still wanted to run full court. It was intense and a lot of ups and downs. However I'll take the extra cardio coupled with the ball in my hands more made for a fun Sunday morning workout.

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    12. #642
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      I get out of work, go home to cook and do whatever I do before basketball. I then find out its cancelled for the night. I didn't want to go back to the gym at that point so luckily I was able to play tennis. Usually when I play tennis it's after my gym sessions so I felt a lot more fresh than usual. I figured I'd be running like a maniac playing basketball so I tried to exert as much energy as possible when playing tennis. I was chasing everything and hitting the ball really hard. It wasn't the energy I'd put out during basketball but I am glad I got outside and was able to do something.

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    13. #643
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      Nothing feels better than runninaround silly in the fresh air
      Veritas Vos Liberabit

    14. #644
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      Pendlay row 4 sets
      Squats superset w/ pull ups 4 sets
      BB curl 4 sets

      Leg press 3 sets
      Wall balls superset w/ straight bar pulldown 3 sets
      Jumprope superset w/ DB curl 3 sets

      I feel like I did more but maybe I'm forgetting some of it. I tried pendlay rows for the first time and I kind of liked them. I only did them because at the time the squat racks were taken but it was an interesting feeling and a way to change things up a bit. After that I squatted but didn't go to heavy, more explosive and then threw in some pull ups. I did squats and leg press so I probably should of did extensions or curls but I really wanted to do wall balls and even though it's a similar movement than the other two, I still went with it. All in all not a bad workout.

      After my workouts I've been stopping at the park to shoot baskets for about 10 minutes or so. My legs must have been jello but I couldn't run, I was laughing to myself because I was moving slow and my shots were all short. I had no legs left which is actually a good thing because I hit them pretty good during the workout.

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    15. #645
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      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal
      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Side lateral raise 4 sets
      Incline bench 4 sets
      Reverse peck deck 3 sets
      Peck deck 3 sets
      Pushdown machine 4 sets
      Overhand extension 3 sets

      Jump rope superset with cable cross, DB high row, and underhand extension 3 sets

      I was at work literally falling asleep at work so I didn't know what to expect at the gym. Well the workout was pretty good overall. The incline bench was nothing special weight wise but the squeeze and mind/muscle connection was amazing. I'm pretty happy with how things went. I didn't include it in the write up but I also threw in some farmers carries at the end. I did feel pretty worn out at the end and I didn't go crazy heavy on the farmers carries, I mainly did it to add in some extra cardio and to help with the arm pump a bit.

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