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    1. #421
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      Farmers carries 5 sets
      Rope crunches
      Farmers walk treadmill 10 minutes
      Weighted crunch machine
      Treadmill 5 minutes
      60 crunches
      Treadmill 5 minutes

      I've been logging for the company who gave me the product and just haven't had time to copy and link everything on the multiple sites I Log on. So I'll start focusing on these sites again now that I'm done with that product.

      Just a normal cardio day. Did get an empty gym to do some farmers walks with though.

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    2. #422
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      Deadlifts 8 sets
      Seated Calve raise superset with DB row 4 sets

      Not a good workout. I felt ok when I left work, had my normal protein at the normal time. But once I started working out, I felt shaky, like I hadn't eaten in several hours. This happened when I started overtime but I feel like I"ve gotten used to the extended time without whole foods but I did not feel good yesterday. I also had a back neckache which I'm somewhat used to but it didn't help. I also had to go to the bathroom half way through my workout which almost never happens. Not sure if I'm getting sick or something but overall it wasn't the most comfortable workout I've ever had.

      Got home and about a half hour before bed I touched my trap that was hurting and wow was it tight. Now it's usually always tight but last night was a whole new level. And then in the middle of the night I woke up from neck pain which has happened before but I usually fall asleep again but this night I tossed and turned. At one point I was laying on my fingers in the spots that hurt the most hoping they would relax the muscle. This morning I have no pain but I may need extra coffee.

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    3. #423
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      DB curl superset with v bar extension 4 sets
      BB curl superset with behind the head db extension 4 sets
      Double high cable curl superset with pushdown machine 3 sets
      DB hammer curl superset with under hand extension 3 sets

      Wasn't really feeling it. I had a massive neckache and the workout reflected it. I did force myself to do some extra volume and at the beginning I felt like it might turn out to be a good workout but after that it went downhill quickly. Nothing felt good, I didn't enjoy my time at the gym. It was also super muggy inside the gym that didn't help my mood.

      Yesterday I woke up with a nasty stomach bug. Needless to say, today I really need to rehydrate myself.

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    4. #424
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      Flat bench superset with side lateral raise 4 sets
      Flat bench superset with reverse peck deck 4 sets
      Peck deck superset with hammer strength shoulder press 4 sets
      Facepull 1 set

      Not a bad workout at all. I had some stomach discomfort all day but the gym and the weight felt good. The squeeze during the bench was better than it's been in awhile. I mentioned using hammer strength equipment because of the stretch and squeeze but the bench yesterday felt like it really did the trick. The weight was solid. I wanted to include more volume and that was the plan the whole time but the last 2 sets on peck deck and hammer press, I felt wiped out. I finished with a set of facepull just to keep things loose in the back since my neck's been a bit iffy the last few weeks.

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    5. #425
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      Squat superset weighted pull up 4 sets
      Deadlift 4 sets
      Leg press superset with chest pad t bar row 2 sets
      Leg extension superset with seated leg curl superset with straight bar pulldown 2 sets

      Wasn't the best workout. The form felt good but I gassed after like 2 or 3 sets. I don't know if its the heat coming back after being cool for a few weeks or what but I was catching wind. I don't like squatting and deadlifting in the same workout but I decided during the day that I would try it again and went with it despite feeling exhausted. To play it safe I didn't go heavy on the deads in case the form started going.

      I say all of this and as I was leaving the gym my legs and back felt like I went through battle. They already started to get sore and I could tell that I really worked them. I was also really sweating, my t shirt looked like a rag from just having so much sweat attached to it.

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    6. #426
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      100 sit ups
      5 minutes treadmill
      60 crunches
      10 minutes farmers walks (20 seconds on, 40 seconds off)
      60 crunches
      15 minutes farmers walks (2 minutes on, 1 minute off)

      Changed things up just a bit. I don't remember what the reasoning was haha, but I know the first 5 minute thing was because of something, maybe my phone wouldn't connect to music or something so I hopped on a treadmill. I went heavier than normal ont he first 10 minutes of the famers walks, the short time frame was ok but not great. The second bout on the treadmill was 2 minutes at a lighter weight and again it was ok but not too difficult. All in all it was a pretty mundane cardio session but I enjoyed it.

      Weight still isn't increasing the way I want it to so I've made it a point to add calories into my diet even after my post workout meal. That's usually the last meal of the night but I've been chomping on some PB before bed.

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    7. #427
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      It feels like so long ago that I don't really remember the specifics other than I did a lot of work. I don't do arms on Thursdays but I knew I had to leave town for a wedding this weekend so I hit every body part. The workout felt great from what I recall.

      Went to a wedding and ate like crap all weekend, I'm feeling it today, a bit of bloat, tired, and groggy.

      Overtime has ended at work and it's back to normal training again which is good. I like the schedule I've been using but for a few weeks I'm going to get back to my old training split of

      Mon: Chest/Tris
      Tues: Back/Bis
      Wed: Cardio
      Thurs: Legs
      Fri: Off
      Sat: Shoulders
      Sun: Off

      But I have weddings each Saturday of October except the first one so I still may have to tweak the training a bit. I'm only doing this for a brief time to get back into not supersetting things and really concentrating on one muscle at a time.

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    8. #428
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      Incline bench 4 sets
      Flat bench 4 sets
      Peck Deck 4 sets
      Skull crusher into close grip press 4 sets
      V bar extension 4 sets
      Pushdown machine 4 sets

      Good and bad workout. Felt good to not have to rush around the gym like a maniac and felt good to focus on one muscle. My recovery between sets/endurance has improved over the summer from working so fast. However I tried to go heavier and I feel like my muscles got fatigued fairly quickly with the extra weight. By the end of the chest work I felt like I probably couldn't get 100% on another movement. Similar in my triceps. Once I hit the pushdowns my triceps were pumped and almost a numb feeling. Its just nice to be back to a normal schedule again.

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    9. #429
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      Deadlift 4 sets
      Weighted pull up 4 sets
      T bar row 4 sets
      DB curl 4 sets
      BB curl 4 sets
      Rope hammer curl 4 sets

      Fairly good workout. Deadlifts weren't as heavy as I wanted but not bad. The pull ups hurt, I think mostly because my chest was sore or my front delts so they felt really tight. T bar rows though, bueno bueno. The squeeze I felt was phenomenal and I was really happy with the weight I used. Biceps were similar to triceps, by the time I was done, I was numb and toast.

      Farmers walks after a good bicep workout is really tough but it feels really good. Reminds me of DC training with a weighted stretch for the bicep as you walk with the weight.

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    10. #430
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      looks like you are killing it...keep it up and thanks for sharing your daily hard work
      Veritas Vos Liberabit

    11. #431
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      Cardio 25 minutes

      Had to be in an out of the gym yesterday. Needed to do some family stuff. So I went with farmers walks, 40 seconds off 20 seconds on, or 30 off and 30 on. I rotated for the whole time. Felt good and got a decent sweat. I feel like I'm not nearly as lean as I was a few weeks ago so I'm eager to get on the scale.

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    12. #432
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      Exciting to see you have gotten so consistent with your training. Look back at your first page from time to time. You've come a long way. Get a pic up soon.

    13. #433
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      Leg extension superset with lying leg curl 4 sets
      Squat 4 sets
      Seated calve raise superset with vertical leg press 4 sets

      Fairly good workout. This looks more like a normal leg workout for me. I like to start with extensions and curls before squats just to make sure everything is firing more than just a regular warm up. Sometimes I'll just do the superset and then squat until I cant move but since I've been supersetting all summer, the form felt a bit odd when I loaded up on the weight. Again I got a solid pump but it was a totally different pump than when I was supersetting everything which felt good.

      I said yesterday that I felt less lean than I have felt but the weight really hasn't changed much although my diet does not feel as "clean" as it was all summer.

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    14. #434
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      Standing Shoulder press 5 sets
      DB side lateral raise 4 sets
      Bent over rear delt fly 4 sets

      After that I did some other shoulder work. YTI's and standing YTI's. Some stretching, some rope pull downs and what not. Mostly to get my posture in order, the YTI's done really slow really bring on the lactic acid that I like.

      Shoulder press I went heavy for not doing them in awhile, I was impressed with the weight I was able to move. Everything else was run of the mill.

      Again I don't feel as lean as I once was but the weight isn't moving on the scale so maybe it's all in my head.

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    15. #435
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      • Young Gotti's Journal

      Incline press 4 sets
      Flat press 4 sets
      Peck Deck 4 sets
      DB behind the neck extension 4 sets
      Rope extension 4 sets
      Reverse overhead underhand extension 4 sets

      Chest press machine superset with pushdown machine 3 sets

      Incline press felt much better than the previous week. I increased the weight but even the lower weight I got a few extra reps out. Flat bench was not nearly as good, not sure if I wasn't set up properly but the bar just felt akward on the decline portion of the movement. The whole tricep workout felt really good though, everything felt like it was firing at the right spots. I was also glad to be able to fit in a little extra volume at the end using the machines just to finish off the pump.

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