How crazy would it be to add a second oral to my current cycle of 50 MG anavar/day, tren-a, masteron and prop 100 mg each - blend from one of my sources, called tr-blend - BTW - this shit is the shit, My lean muscle mass, cuts, abs and veins/striations have come out within 2 shots of this potent mix (300 mgs - 100 of each per shoot at 1 1/2cc's every 3 days for last 6 weeks). Ive been off this to give my liver a break from the androgens (tren and masteron mainly). II went from 226lbs and thick and strong to 197 lbs in 6 weeks WITH ABS and ot even doing cardo off this cycle. The problem? at what cost? I'love having abs and going down tree belt ,loops but now that I'm off I'm still 197 lbs and my abs are fading and I'm getting smaller.

So what next to maintain abs and gain some mass/strength back and maybe go up 5-10 lbs in process?

Would adding a 400/500 mg blend of Sust (maybe go up to 750 mgs every 5 days or so?) with some EQ (400 mgs every 5 days and keeping on the anavar for cutting purposes work or shold I add maybe an another oral like 50 mh winny tabs or 50 mg D-bol to help accomplish my goal of staying lean but putting on
5-10 lbs of muscle back on AND keeping my abs? Never considered two orals at once (either 50 mg anavar & 50 mg winny
50 mg anavar and 50 mg/day d-bol to help me to stay lean and put some solid muscle back on me.

Can anyone offer an opinion on combining 2 orals in one cycle and / or have any other thoughts to acomplish current goals?

Kinda at a crossroads!

Note - Can't take winny-v, messes with my joints too bad.
