any feedback is greatly appreciated. what i would like to achieve is advance fat loss while retaining muscle and/or staying anabolic (if possible). not sure if the below direction will work. please feel free to make recommendations, comments, or if you just simply feel like talking shit thats acceptable here as well.

stats: about a month ago i checked and am sitting at 200lbs w/ 18.5% bf.

supplements: started last week 200mg test c (trt) every 2 weeks w/ 50mg test p & 100mg npp eod. test p and npp will be for a duration of 4 weeks with roughly a 2 week break (getting tested for trt levels) and then back on again.

p c f calories
meal 1 6 eggs 42 0 30 480
2.5 slices of gluten
free bread 10 80 11.5 375

meal 2 8 oz chicken 43 0 5 231
coconut oil 0 0 14 120

meal 3 protein shake 45 10 4.5 320
almond milk 2 0 5 60
kale 2 5 0 25

meal 4 8 oz chicken 43 0 5 231
2oz cashews 10 18 26 320

meal 5 5 eggs 35 0 25 400
total 232 113 126 2562

training: 4 weight session & 8 cardio 30 minute session either fasted, post workout, or whenever on non-weight days (which i will perform 2 cardio sessions). (considering adding a 30 min session per week depending on progress)

training protocol: short rest periods between sets averaging roughly 30 sec with low-moderate weight and high reps. rep range is 20, 15, 12, & 10. weight sessions take anywhere between 30 - 45 min or until muscle failure is persistent.