Hey everyone. I am Heavy Hitter. Some of you know me, some of you will get to know me. I haven't been on this board for a while, but I am back and have decided to do a log.
I detached the largest tendon in my rotator cuff on march 24th. I have had surgery to reattach it and been through physical therapy, and have been given the go ahead to slowly get back into things. This log will be slow at first because I am still healing and I don't want to re injure, but it will pick up. Ok lets start with current stats: I am 6'0'',
220lbs., approximately 22%BF. Cycle history. Started at age 24 off and on for several years. started blast & cruise around 30yo. I have only been off twice in the past almost 7 years and now I will start this log all natural, but probably wont finish that way. If I do incorporate gear in this log it will most likely be test-e at 500mg EW and proviron at 100mgED. But that will be down the road. Training history: I started power lifting in high school (I was tiny) took some time off to party, got back into it at 21 stayed with my nose to the grind until I was 27 then got divorced took another year off to party then back in the gym this time with a serious agenda. I was going to be a Strongman. So I competed in ammy events for the next three years. I was average, probably could have been better if I had someone to coach me and train with but I am from a small town, and only had the internet to teach me. I was getting stale and a pro fighter I know asked me to come to his gym and just be big and lay on top of this dude and wear him out as he was training for a fight on Bellator. Reluctant because I had no background in wrestling I still went. This guys was 6'4'' and about 200lbs. Tall, lanky and lean. I was around 240lbs at the time and strong as FUUUUUCK. So I figured I would just hold his skinny ass down. HAHAHAHAHHA yeah right. This dude man handled me. As I tap the matt over and over I wonder how this is happening? Me big he small? Well they explained Jiu Jitsu to me and I had to get in on it. I fell in love started going to classes then tournament's and a few grappling matches in the cage. Then I tore my meniscus in my right knee. Slight tear able to repair with rehab and time, then I tore the tendon in my shoulder completely in half thanks to a bone spur and being rough and not using caution my entire life. So here we are.

I am not sure of a routine yet, I am not sure a direction. I workout in my garage and back yard. I will be starting to run in the mornings before I go to work and will have my one year old American bully running with me. I will workout in the afternoons.
It will be slow going on upper body, especially overhead press and bench.

Yesterdays workout:

3 set's of 21 buddy curls.
4 sets of skull crushers
6 sets of ten 135lbs. dead lifts (gotta start somewere)

OK that's it sofar. Until next time.