My day started bright and early! 6:30 gainz, because I have class all day today.

Today was back/hams/calves day, and it was brutal. Started with a few heavy back exercises. We get to lift heavy again this week because we are back down to 12 reps instead of 20. I like being able to go back down every once in a while to really push myself and see all the progress that I've been making. But legs are my jam so the workout was killer today. We didn't do as much leg stuff as I would like because we had back also but it still was a killer workout and had me limping out of the gym.

We've started doing fasted cardio now. Because I work out so early in the morning, my coach said I can do my 30 minutes after the workout instead of doing 20 fasted and 10 after the workout. I love cardio. I ran a half marathon in November and it was killer! I'm so excited for it to get nice out so I can start running outside again!

Happy gainz!!

"What's the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable." --Anonymous