Quote Originally Posted by animal87 View Post
How is that sleep supp treating you??? I def. dont need more dreams, but i have horrible sleep prob.

Hey man, you know the truth is I stopped using it. I used it one time during this cycle and decided it might "change" or "alter" the result of running just this product. I know that sounds kind of dumb, but I wanted a more pure result since this product alone is improving sleep better then ever. I will let you know when I am done and I run it..how it works! Ty for checking in.
Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
Yep when creatine came out it was a break threw so was the cost now it's so cheap everyone should be using it

Exactly!!! This is far better then creatine already. That much I can tell. Creatine combined with this and/or DAA and this product might be breakthrough for the natural crowd. Not sure if this is banned by athletic committees..but tbh, if it is not..all the athletes that I have, will be using this product. Its definitively noticeable IMO. And I can't think of anything better, "naturally" from what I have seen yet. I do like creatine , glutamine, aminos, gaba, daa, protein and some others..but this takes the cake results wise so far.

UPDATE WEDS 1/14/2014

Shoulders/back/power routine

Seated Rows




300x10 (rack) with ease..weight felt light

Hang Cleans





225x6 (HANG CLEAN and Press (this set only) - Just like Justin Harris in the video)

275x2 (weight was flying up- at which point I gave myself a tiny bicep strain)

Justin was one of the guys I used to look up to in the sport. Still respect him greatly Haven't seen him in awhile, but he used to run with a group of guys called Team Troponin. One of the strongest pound for pound bodybuilders that I have ever seen. Very inspiring. I actually only ever do Hang Cleans bc of him...

Bicep is strained a small bit, so I put on some Absorbine Jr. Horse linament and then put a compression sleeve on and decide I am going to go a little lighter just to be safe.

Arnold Curl Variations (sitting on a flat bench with no back support. Rest each dumbell on each knee. Hammer curl it to shoulder height, press in one arnold curl motion (supinated), lockout at top for a second, lower and repeat with other arm.repeat)

30x10 per arm

40x10 per arm

50x10 per arm..This is actually relatively heavy on these believe it or not. These are not as easy as they sound.

Front Raises with Barbell (some momentum)




Like in this video

Dumbell Pullovers (not going heavy bc of the slight pain in the bicep)



Ran out of time called it a day. Very minimal pain in the bicep. Truth is that the hang clean, was going up so fast, that when I was catching it, it was traveling higher then I expected and therefore dropping several inches, at the portion you catch a hang clean. This is dangerous. However, it was not intentional. This means and I can honestly say I was "stronger the workout" then the last time I did these 2 weeks ago. I do feel optimal and or new strength on this. I am using my preworkout and that is helping as well.

Started running the Most Wanted differently today. I do feel that it would be more effective with a steady blood plasma level, just like any oral would be. Since it is utilizing protein more efficiently I decided I will do 4 caps, one with every meal taken starting at breakfast. I do believe this will give a better overall gain to me, because truthfully I am eating alot in each sitting, so there is no reason that any 1 meal of mine should have 2 caps, and then other meals have less. Granted, I do not know the half life of Most wanted, or when it peaks. I am also using nutrient timing with this. So for example, if I am going to use 1 of my most wanted caps with something fast absorbing, like my protein shake that has Hydrolized protein in it..I am going to use 1 cap of most wanted 15 minutes before drinking that shake. Said thought is to time digestion better. Not exactly, that's not possible. But I can hit the nail on the head closer??

Does this make sense?? sorry if it is confusing. MY entire 20 years I have used Nutrient Timing as the basis for mine and my clients results. So I believe in this 1000% for diet and supplementation. If you are skeptical, please read about it and experience it prior to throwing it out the window. I swear by it.

Anyways, back to the gym today. Oh another thing I forgot to mention. This week into the product, I am noticing an hour after I take it..I am moody/irritable. Not to the degree I would be with epistane or dbol for example..but noticeably it is causing this. Which is interesting at the least, because I only get that effect when something is increasing my levels. I can say factually this is happening. Also what I do want to mention is that I am hypersensitive to meds, supps, etc..always have been. Plus I am very in tune with my body, and mental connection to it after all these years..so the things I am noticing and reporting are not just coincidence or chance. As annoying as it might be to mention, one has to consider that I very easily can differentiate between a consistent reaction and mere coincidence.

What is coincidence so far= 2 nightmares.

What is consistent= Improved sleep, recovery, libido, feeling overall better, slight increase in body temperature, increased appetite and thirst.

Hope this helps. Back at the gym tonight..SUPER motivated, i am feeling really good on this product. I do wonder what a regiment of say, 30-60 days, 1 cap at a time, 8 meals per day, so 8 caps, high protein diet would produce. I am starting to believe this product might have a VERY good potential. Greater then what is known about yet.