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  • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
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  • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
  • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
  • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
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    Thread: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

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      Default ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

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      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      My newest Beta Test, I am going to challenge Iron Forged Nutritions newest addition to the lineup, called "MOST WANTED"

      Thank you first to Iron Forged for giving me the opportunity to try this product and challenge it. For those of you who don't know this product, it is somewhat newer in the Industry and there are not a ton of reviews on this product, so I want to see "if" it really works.

      First what I will say is that I have used Iron Forged's Msten..and it was the best Msten I have ever used..without question. I used their Contraband and it is a very clean smooth product as well. So I can honestly say I am impressed with several of their products. Hoping this adds to the list. Especially now that PH"s are banned, I am truly hoping this is a great new option.

      What I know about Laxogenin- Very little. I have never used it, but I do know that most importantly in theory, it provides increases in positive nitrogen retention while controlling cortisol, etc..

      What I know about Ecdysterone- Slightly more. I have used this product in the past, but never frequently and never with a cyclodextrin addition, and in theory I know this also supports positive nitrogen retention, and protein synthesis.

      Cyclodextrins- This is the key to this product IMO and what "might" differentiate this product from others. Cyclodextrins make a product more Bio Available. This is very important, because absorption is the "KEY" to any product in digestion. We all know that medical grade proteins, such as pepto pro, or hydrolized proteins that are pre-digested are more effective then ANY protein sources including WHOLE foods. Yes, you heard that right. Not all proteins are the same, in fact in my past working in the medical field and hospital, I personally administered Medical Grade proteins, to surgery patients and ill children, because they in fact heal the body at such a higher rate because they are more biovailable.

      So the cyclodextrin, if it does make the product more 'bio-available" it will be superior to any other versions on the market. So in theory, I do know that this is "possible." That is what makes me more curious about this product then just plain old LAX and ECD. It is complexed with hydroxy propyl beta cyclodextrin which drastically increases the bioavailability of the product. They cyclodextrin actually has to be chemically combined with the ingredients. Most people just don't understand the deep science of this product and assume it is regular laxogenin and ecdysterone . These products in theory work on their own but nothing like what our this product is capable of.

      Time to put it to the test.

      I will be using this product at a dosage of 4 capsules per day. The average dosage would be 2 capsules per day, with HIGH PROTEIN meals. This is important, since the whole process of this works off using Protein more effectively.

      I will be using PRESCRIPTION NUTRITION -Problend Protein (egg, whey, casein and hydro protein blend) BLUEBERRY MUFFIN flavor.
      I have used this brand and flavor for years, because in my experiences there is nothing quite comparable..I do like ON and MuscleFeast, but this is higher quality, better flavors at a lower price.

      I do have an HRT script, but I will not be using it for the month. I will be using my pre-workout product, Ultimate Orange Juiced and Ultimate Punched Out....and this product, with my protein, and NOTHING ELSE.

      Workout- 3-4 times max and bodybuilding mode mixed with some strength workouts but I will focus on more Bodybuilding Style training since I am competing again in the upcoming year. Making my return to the stage.

      I will be posting regarding the following: I will use my normal scale of effects

      Muscle Hardness
      Cardio Function
      Overall Mood
      Oily Skin
      Changes in mood/temperment
      Agression in the Gym
      How this effects Sex
      Sex Drive
      Any sexually related issues
      Night Sweats
      Any conversion to gyno/pre-gyno
      liver or kidney issues if they present themselves
      Hair thinning
      Hair Darkening
      Hair growth

      I will be starting this end of this week/early next week but wanted to get this outlined and ready to roll. Feel free to ask questions. I will do my best to answer, I will have this on several forums, so please bare with me, I will be updating 3-4 times per week. I will list my starting bodyweight on the day I begin the log.

      In the meantime, here is a new video I uploaded with some old footage of PrisInman Presses. If you don't know what this is..Urban Dictionary has a definition (funny one too) and it is actually legit based on me, which I find rather amusing. "prisINMAN" I have hit 385x1 on this exercise..wanna try 405. I wanna say I am around 205-210 bw in this video. As I am currently as well in that range.

      Urban Dictionary: PrisInman Presses

      Thanks to everyone for having me here on your forum and lets' see what this product can do!

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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      Nice another log I look forward to reading your new adventure. I hope it works as well as the last trial u did brother good luck and train hard.

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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      Yea Wes youre a big SOB, are you taking anything else besides the prohormone?

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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      Thank you guys for the kind words, and Mountain man, ty as always for following along.

      Appreciate the support..hoping this product does something, it might be a very new good option for PCT, women, and instead of a SERM/SARM since it is not suppressive..lets see what happens!!!

      I will not be using anything else. Nothing at all. I was thinking creatine..but instead I'm just gonna go super high protein. This product requires high protein so I will just jack my food up.

      2015 is my 19th year of competing. 100+ contests under my belt in 4 sports, Strongman, Bodybuilding, Highland Games, Powerlifting..so this is cool that I am starting this year off with this product. Thank you guys for the support.

      Starting the log prob. Monday. Here is a vid of me with my long time training partner Derek Poundstone. I chased him for years, and never came close, BUT..I did get even stronger with him. When our training group, CT STRENGTH CREW, trained 06-2012..we were all at our strongest ever..Derek was 2nd in the World then..so we all benefited one another.

      I was there when he hit the World Record Stone...555lbs....and I had hair LOL

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      ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~


      I have my bottles! Excited to see what happens. Day 1 is gonna start today but truthfully Fri, Sat, and Sun I am only going to run 2 caps ED. Starting MONDAY I will run 4 ED. I will train today and then Sat/Sun I am off.

      I have been hitting the gym hard this week..as I was sick all last week and am down a little weight.

      I weighed in around 204lbs yesterday. Had a nice session..Hit 315 x 10 on close grip bench press...which was not bad, had a few in the tank.

      Leg strength was kind of weak this week..toyed with 405 for some reps..but honestly I am still recovering from the FLU. So this is why I am not jumping in head first today. Rather start the dosage low, get this in my system and go from there.

      Been listening to some Techno/dubstep style music during my sessions (feel free to make fun) LOL. Hooked on this song from the DRIVE soundtrack
      Kavinsky- NightCall. Check it out if you are into this style music.

      Also I am supposed to be heading with my daughter to hang out with Derek Poundstone and Marshall White (WSM competitor)..not training since I have her..but rather just visiting.. Will try and get some pics next to those guys so you can see how small they make me look

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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      Also was gonna make it a surprise in this journal but I am trying to line up a workout with Evan Centopani and a good buddy of mine next weekend. This is not definitive yet.

      Anyways, here is video of me at his gym..Montanari's Powerhouse in New Haven. I hit the 200 lb dumbells on INCLINE bench press there finally at around 205lbs bodyweight..so this is nearly a bodyweight dumbell in each hand. Here's old footage of the 180's . Balancing these his harder then I can explain. It's really very very awkward..they are huge.

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      ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      Update WORKOUT #1 using Most Wanted

      Took 2 caps Friday total with HIGH PROTEIN meals, that is key IMO to this product.

      No noticeable benefit on day 1 which is to be completely expected. Again Monday is when I use this product full dosage.

      Friday's workout- Shoulders/Back/Traps

      CNS was a little bit tired and I was a little sore in the biceps, but I pulled this workout off anyways. I generally only like to hit muscle groups when I am at optimal condition and fully rested, as I do not believe that a workout when you are sore, is benefit of any shape or kind. I'd rather skip a day or hit a different muscle group if that is the case.

      Anyways, Here is the workout:

      Seated Cable Rows

      Seated Military Dumbells (weights per hand)
      25x10 warmup
      120x10 (went easy but feeling bicep soreness a bit)

      Wesley Inman Shrugs (45lb plates)


      add 40lb chains to centers of each

      Front Delt Raises (dumbells) explosive motion

      25x10 per arm

      Seated Rows (variable form this time- Arms locked the entire time then last 1/3 of motion, quick explosive pull) this requires Mind/mental connection and is hard to explain but these are Optimal "for me" for lat development.

      Lying Shoulder raises- (laying on a flat bench and holding the bar, lowering it straight down towards your quads and pausing, then back up)

      Hit some abs and some stretching.

      Stretching is a key factor that I have been leaving out..not on purpose, but because of time constraints. I really need to get back into the practice of stretching well after every workout.

      Also I have been hydrating exceptionally well during the day and the workouts. I may include an INTRA workout of Gatorade/water/baking soda and either aminos or even pure glutamine. I do like this for recovery purposes, I swear by it's effectiveness.

      Also I forgot to mention. At night time I began using Antaeus Labs "oneironmacer" which is a dream and recovery type product. So far I have not had any lucid dreams but tbh, I don't remember my dreams. I am hoping to enhance my sleep, bc I have horrible sleep patterns. So I am using this product in addition to see if it improves my sleep and therefore my recovery.

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      Starting 4 cap regimen ED..today.

      So far I have noticed for a fact 3 things:

      1) An hour after I take Most Wanted, I am hungry, very hungry.

      2) I am sleeping better and I am waking up more rested feeling (not using OneIronMacer yet until this week so factually I can tell this is the Most Wanted doing this)

      3) Libido and sex drive is through the roof,legit on this since I started. Could be coincidence, but I don't believe it it, but time will tell.

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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      ThNks for the update bro sounds good so far.

    10. #10
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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      ThNks for the update bro sounds good so far.
      Thanx Mountain. Glad you are here supporting me..means alot. I am seeing you on alot of other forums too..which is awesome. TY man!!

      First workout on full dosage.

      Picked up some clients doing P.T again so my time is limited, but I will be sure to post up 3x per week minimum..So if anyone leaves me questions, please don't think I am being rude or ignoring..just super busy but will respond asap!

      Had 35 minutes to train only so I had to make this one count.

      2 caps in the am with a high protein breakfast.

      Hit the gym for 2pm, which is a good time for me, gyms empty and I am pretty strong, or strongest 2-5pm in my personal experiences.



      **warmup for 5 mins

      Flat Bench




      405x3 (had maybe 5 in me today)

      315 pause reps x 10 (5 second count resting on chest)

      WesleyInman Shrugs





      Incline Dumbells (weights per hand)



      Ran out of time. Quick but not a bad session. Felt strong, def undertrained on this session as I had way more in me, but Under-training for me works better then overtraining.

      Back at it 2morrow..wanna hit legs..might even do a 2 leg day/week routine for this month. When I was sick I lost a small amount of size in my quads..I lose size in the quads and biceps first..always. So I wanna bring them back to normal.

      Will figure it out in the am.

      Still noticed the appetite an hour after taking MostWanted and libido is exceptionally high all day on this. I really wanna feel this out and see if this is 100% responsible.

      Anyways I am motivated. Strength was good, but WAY too early to see real results.

      I actually have heard other people who ran this say they got improved sleep, and recovery and awesome pumps on this product. The very few people who ran this at 2 caps ED liked it. Very curious to see what this stuff can do.

      People have asked my expectation..None. But if I can gain 2-4lbs of muscle and lose a drop of bodyfat on such a product I think that would be HUGE. I would love to see this outperform DAA and/or Osta. That would be impressive IMO.

      Back at it 2morrow.

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      ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~


      Got to the gym early in the a.m. Barely awake. Hate training early but I punched it out.

      Decided I would wait until Weds for leg day. Which is today.

      Seated Back Rows
      300(rack) x 10..feels easy

      Skullcrusher variation
      (sitting at an angle backwards on a preacher bench)

      Incline Dumbell Curls
      55x10 per arm

      Pullovers (slow and controlled)
      100x10 (tricep bothering me at this point)

      Hammer Curls
      (dumbells per hand)

      Super close grip Incline Press (specialty exercise-bringing bar to the chin only, pause, explode up each rep)

      Dumbell deadlift into Curls
      (specialty exercise, done at the end to stretch the bicep out)

      Streched, hanging on a pull up bar and a few odds and ends and called it a day.

      Hydrated well.

      Noticed my pump stayed with me longer. Still noticing the same things on this product. Sleep is better and in the morning I feel alot better, just not as tired and it is not as difficult to wake up. For me this is a big deal. Only other product that seemed to do this to me was MHP's Secretagogue One which is a natural HGH releaser.

      Libido still through the roof.

      Nothing else to note as of yet.

      Quick video I meant to post yesterday which shows what the pause reps on bench look like:

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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      Looking beastley bro looks like a great cycle addition esp the Hunger thing work out looked out look great looking forward to reading more

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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      Looking beastley bro looks like a great cycle addition esp the Hunger thing work out looked out look great looking forward to reading more
      TY so much man..and yeah appetite, SLEEP and recovery are excellent.

      I wish I had labs and ran this during PCT.this might be the next big option for natural men/women and/or PCT..tbh..its suprising me quite the bit so far!

      UPDATE SUNDAY 1/11/2014

      Ok So I have been on this product full dosage about a week.

      I will do the full update (weekly update on the entire scale of effects later) but here is an update for now.

      Honestly. I am a bit startled by this product. I dont recognize it's effects completely yet..TBH... But it works. I will let you know I am up 2lbs and I am far more fuller and noticeable. I can make a little sense out of it.

      1)SLEEP! My sleep is OPTIMAL on this product. I have relied on sleep pills, tylenol PM, melatonin, etc, for years, only to wake up groggy and feel like ****. This is the first time I have not had to use them. To the point I am in disbelief. I wake up not feeling lethargic. I wake up feeling good and refreshed, like I haven't in years. I don't have to take before bedtime. I just can fall asleep and turn off now like a normal human being. This hasn't happened to me in 10+ years. Honestly. Remarkable difference.

      2) Recovery. Partially because of the sleep but also I am not sore the next day following workouts. This stuff is improving my recovery big time. I do believe intra workouts, BCAAs and glutamine with intra workout and post workout and before bed as well work..But I am not doing any of this.

      Trust me..this product is working. It is VERY different acting then a PH, but I see lean gains already. I am not more vascular yet. My strength has been SOLID. I can't say it is making me stronger yet, but the pumps I have, seem to stick with me.

      The sleep and recovery portion has me blown away.

      The few people I have talked to that have run this say the same thing, at 2 caps ED..so I am sure it is more noticeable at 4, like I am doing.

      Let me update my last workout on THURS and I will update Friday's session later on.

      LEG DAY

      Leg Extensions (warmups)

      SQUATS (super super deep ATG- Pause at the bottom fully sitting for 5 seconds, explode up)
      405x3 (these are not as easy as they sound! )

      405x5 speed reps

      Seated Calf Raises
      (pause at the top for 5 seconds and squeeze each rep) and at the bottom likewise
      1 plate=45lbs

      Hanging ab raises and called it a day.

      Here is some old footage to show my squats and the big kid behind me is my buddy Tim Terwilliger, used to work with I-force and numerous other companies. Bunch of you guys know him. Good kid. Anyways, enjoy..be back later.

      My apologies for the delays once again.

      Product so far works. For anyone who thinks otherwise, I challenge anyone to try this and see for yourself. I very much cannot explain how much I am impressed about the recovery/sleep portion.

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      Default Re: ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~

      I am starting to get very interested nice up date bro esp the weight gain.

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      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      • ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      ~Wesley versus MOST WANTED -Laxogenin/ecdysterone by IRON FORGED NUTRITION~
      Quote Originally Posted by MOUNTAIN-MAN View Post
      I am starting to get very interested nice up date bro esp the weight gain.
      Yes I am very very interested in this for PCT purposes. And the fact this is natural. Check out my full 1 week review. I think it makes sense with the gains, bc my body is more optimal and if I am storing protein more efficiently then this makes perfect sense.

      This might be a very very valuable product. Kind of like when creatine first came out, in the Natural world it really did super super well and IMO is still one of the best "natural" items out there.

      I wonder how this would fare coupled with D.aspartic acid?

      TY again for always chiming in man..ur awesome

      UPDATE 1/12/2015

      WEEK 1- REVIEW

      Strength- Strength is very good. Not sure it has increased YET...but it is Optimal. I feel very strong so far on this.
      Muscle Hardness- Very minimal hardening, if anything more of a pump.
      Size- Def look fuller and bigger already. Some water and some pump and some gain.
      Endurance- Can't comment one way or another on this. Not sure
      Cardio Function- Can't say.
      Vascularity- No more vascular
      Aggression- Feel nice and aggressive while on this so far..def feel like my T levels are boosted.
      Anger- no anger
      Depression- no depression
      Overall Mood- Mood is good..I would say I am super motivated and therefore happy.
      Acne- NONE
      Oily Skin- NONE
      Changes in mood/temperment- Improved bc I am getting bigger!
      Agression in the Gym- Decent. Nothing like epistane or epiandro.but a good warm aggression underlying.
      How this effects Sex- Improved. Def better. My libido is sky high on this. Erection quality improved.
      Sex Drive- Increased for sure.
      Any sexually related issues- Overall better..improvements in sleep I am sure are part of this too.
      Nightmares- Actually yes I had 2 or so while on this product, could be coincidence, not sure.
      Night Sweats- NONE
      Any conversion to gyno/pre-gyno- NONE
      liver or kidney issues if they present themselves- None Known
      Hair thinning- NONE
      Hair Darkening- NONE
      Hair growth- Facial hair is coming in a bit fast this week.


      Product works. Appetite up, Sleep improved, libido improved, recovery improved, etc..2lb gain. Best sleep I have had in years. Also my body temperature I noticed is about 1-2 degrees higher most of the day. Almost feel warm all day but good...like when your Test levels are higher..and u are warm, mildly aggressive, feel strong, but very good.

      Not a bad start!! At the gym 2morrow. Lets see what else happens.

      Here's a few videos just for fun..these are old, I have used them in logs before, but this is just a little intersession for anyone who hasn't seen these yet

      Ty to everyone following

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