UPDATE -- Day 16-20. I am only going to post 1 workout but I will give some feedback as well. Sorry for the lack of posting..I have been dealing with alot of BS overall and working non stopl

Thoughts on this product so far?? I really really like it. Again its reminds me of oral TNE. I'm a fan. Super clean run so far. This is for "me" a leaning agent. I am dry, I am lean, my skin is tighter, I have lost some weight but I am striated, vascular and I look great. For body recomp this is a good product. A very good one. Minus having labs, I have ZERO sides to report which is awesome. No back pumps, no heartburn, ZERO lethargy. The one thing i can say for sure is that my facial hair is growing like a week and my hair is Darkening. Again, when I used to use AAS, this same thing happened to me on Test only runs like Prop or Suspension. It is not a bad thing at all.

I'm happy with this product. I find myself wanting to run it at 40mgs ED and blend with Epi andro rx..I do see that happening down the road, and I will recommend this product to others.

Last 2 workouts

BW= 207lbs (I am down several lbs on this, but I am way more shredded. I have not increased calories, rather I stayed the same just to see which direction this product would lead me. I'm sure you can Bulk on it with excess calories. But I'm super chiseled on it.

Shoulders/Bicep/Trap Work

Standing Military Strict Press


Supinated Bicep Curls, very strict form, dumbells listed per hand- right hand first, then left hand on each

Wesley Inman Shrugs

Super Wide Grip Incline
315x10 (just made it to ten on these, this width is very hard for me to hit high reps..hands are close to the plates)

Hammer Curls, super quick speed and some momentum
was going to go with 100's..but dropped down and said forget it

Hanging ab raises, and some odds and ends, called it a day

The best thing that I have noticed, is that I am working on my bicep splits on both my arms, have been for years..I have to say I am pleasantly surprised as I finally have a full split at around 6-8% bodyfat, which I have never had before. This is awesome. My arms are one of my smallest bodyparts, I have very short heads..I would guess to say they are around 17.5-18" at best, but I generally train for strength. When I train for bicep size I can get them nearly to 20"
but I also have to weight at least 215-220lbs.

Here's the picture from the top view of the bicep. Not a great photo but you can see the split pretty clearly. I am not genetically gifted with this split..I have it now, 20 years later.

Workout 2- Sunday


but first I did a boxing workout prior. I used to be a Boxer in college. USA Amateur , nothing insane, not pro by any means, but I was undefeated at about 100lbs soaking wet. Which doesn't say much at all, except that I love to do it from time to time.

Got some heavybag work in. Speed is awesome on this product. I took it 1 hour prior, 15mgs and I was explosive, strong and between this and my Ultimate Orange.Juiced, I haven't had such a good session in years. Definitely feeling strong and a good mix of power, explosion and endurance. Wish I had this back in the day when i was fighting. M1-t oxime and Ultimate Orange Juiced would whip some ass

Tore my knuckles up pretty good

My trainer was John Carlo out of New York who defeated Spinls back in the day. Guy is no joke. Also worked with Dane Grove for some skills briefly who is a pro MMA HW.



No hands just because

Seated Calf Raises (45lb plates each)
1 plate x10

Elevator Squats *Super deep atg squat, pause, stand up 1/3 of the way, back down, 2/3 of the way, back down, then all the way up, and back down= 1 rep) Constant Tension


Front squats
315x5..just because


Did some hanging ab raises, and other ab work and called it a day.

Super happy with this compound. It definitely has me motivated to hit the gym daily. That and my preworkout product and my protein. I have 3 solid products that if anyone is considering to buy or not, the answer is 100% yes to Celtic labs M1-T oxime, Problend blueberry muffin by prescription Nutrition and Ultimate Orange Juiced by Mind Charm. A++ on all of them.