Hi folks.

I have a log posted on two other forums that I thought I would also keep going on this one since I just joined. Some folks here have probably seen it but I thought it would be a nice introduction for those who I will meet for the first time.

I will do some copying and pasting of the pertinent information but leave a lot of the other posts out of it. Start it fresh for FG!

Little Background

1. The Log basically starts on February 24 2012
2. The most recent updated pics are from about a year ago.
3. I am going to take some more pics this weekend and post them up. Kinda be a Before / Middle / Now progression.

I wish I would have taken more pics along the journey but I never thought I would be keeping a log on a website. I still have a long way to go to get to my final goals but so far the ride has been freaking fantastic.

So.. stay tuned for the following posts. Gonna take a bit to copy and paste and get the pictures straightened out.

Best Regards