Chest and Shoulders

Hypers 12x3
Spider walks and other shoulder pre-work
Bench Press 45x30 wide, 65x20x2, narrow, regular grips
Cross bench Pullovers 25x16x32
Standing Dumbbell shrugs 15x16x3
Fly Machine 55x16x3
Reverse pec deck 40x16x3
HS Seated crunches 16x3
Roller work
Plated Lateral Decline Press 35’s x16x3
Seated Shoulder Raise Machine 10x9, 10x8x2
Dual cable Chest Press machine 25x16x3

I feel fantastic today! Yesterday was a high carb day and I really feel it. On the Hypers I moved the pad further up on my waist and boy did that make it harder. Guns showed me that years ago but I don't think I really understood. Gave special attention to my posture on the Fly’s, my Rt. Shoulder tends to roll forward so that needs to be corrected. The actual shoulder raises is so hard for me and my left shoulder feels twice as strong as the other. Wanted to pound out sets of 16 on these but I would have had to use 0 weight and my pride just couldn’t do it. Overall great day and pace was up, just resting long enough for Rake to get his sets in.