
Totally trashed this morning and didn't even crack an eye til 8, totally absurd. Rake made me go out last night and see an old high school crush of his, REALLY??? She brought her 2 sisters and we got along great. I didn't want to go but 'In-The-End' I figured " I'm gonna look way HOT" compared to the 3 of them anyway, and Blue Martini is my favorite place to get freaky. Definitely had fans old time and new. Jumped up at 8 this morning to check my purse for my selfie stick, lost 2 already and Rake refuses to buy me more. Didn't even go to workout til 4:30pm. Got-er-done though with great pumps and I looked fabulous today. Yesterday I had my workout + 45 minutes of cardio including a bit of Pete's Zumba class LOL, and dancing from 8 to 11. That's the way to lose 3 pounds, now if I do that 3 or 4 days a week for a month I should be happy about myself.

Monday Chest, Back

Incline Bench press 45x25x3 wide, narrow, regular
Pull Overs 27.5x16x3
DB Shrugs 20x16x3
Fly machine Chest 40, 55, 70x12ea.
Rear delt 25, 40, 55x12ea.
Foam Roller work
Incline Dumbbell Flys 10lb bells x 16x3
Meadows Rows 45lb bar x16x2 add 10lbs x16x1
Incline Dumbbell Press 15lb bells x16x3
Seated Calf raises 309, 342, 379x25 ea.
Shoulder Raise machine 15x12x3
Mini Circuit
Standing Calf raises 140x20x3
Cable Chest 10x36x3 12 mid, 12 low, 12 high each time

Low Carb 30 6/25

2 Egg and cheese omlette w/mild chilis
2 scoop Gold Standard whey shake / vitamins
Turkey Burger 6 oz/ jalepenos
4 oz Ground Turkey w/ mustard
1/2 Tbsp coconut oil
2 Scoop Syntha-6 Strawberry Milkshake flavor
3+ liters water/ 1/2 lemon in gym water
Pro 228, Carb, 33, Fat 55, Cal 1690