We are gonna try this again b/c my log disappeared.

I'm not gonna get into all my stats and my cycle again. If you been following you already know.

3/23 tri/bi

close grip bench: 95x10 4 sets
st bar curls: 65x10 4 sets ss w/
rope pull downs: 55x10 4 sets
sb rev curls: barx12 4 sets ss w/
bw dips: 15x 4 sets
seated db curls: 25x10 3 sets, 25x8 1 set delt hurt so i stopped

good workout. strength is still increasing. vascular as hell while working out. Arms are getting bigger and more defined. headaches are back but I think its the dose increase. I will up my water intake again. No workout today- Monday. i might run all bp's twice this week. I'm feeling pretty good. crap....I just remembered i gotta add cardio in there somewhere. we can't all do tire flips and sled pulls to keep us thin ; )