8/16 shldrs

db mil press: 30x10, 35x10 3 sets
db lat raise: 20x10 4 sets
db fr raise: 20x10 4 sets
db bent flys: 35x15 4 sets
^^ these were done in giant sets
1 arm cables for post delts: 25x20 4 sets (I did 35 but didn't feel form was good so I went back down)
sb front rows: 85x10, 95x7 3 sets
face pulls: 55x20, 75x15, 65x15 2 sets
cable lats front/back: 15x10 each, 3 sets
no cardio

8/17 deads

dl: 225x5, 225x5, 245x5, 225x5, 22x5
shrugs: 200x50 4 sets

kept it light. 225 is nothing anymore. gonna start making 245 my working sets and 265 my pb number. i got dreams of 315 in the near future