8/9 shoulders

db mil press: 25x15, 30x10, 35x8, 35x10
db lat raise: 20x10 4 sets
db fr raise: 20x9, 20x8, 20x10 2 sets
db bent fly: 35x15 4 sets (all of the above were done in giant sets 4 x)
upright row: 85x10, 95x8, 95x8, 95x5 ss w/
wide grip bent rows: 95x10 4 sets
rear delt cable kick back?: 25x20,30x15,25x15,25x20
cable lat flys: 15x10 3 sets front/back
no cardio

awesome shoulders! I downed aspirin and my preworkout and felt very good when I hit the gym. shoulder didn't hurt so my goal was heavy as I could for my db work. anything over 10 reps I would up the weight- except rear delts, they do better heavy and high reps. after that i worked heavy on my rows and then finished with some light cable work. I tried to use the smith and had some pain so I stopped immediately.

today is deadlifting and squats. not sure what I want to concentrate on first. guess I will know when i get there.