7/10 chest

bench: 95x10, 115x5 4 sets (shoulder hurt like a mutha, but I kept doing rehab stuff in between sets to keep blood flowing)
db flys: 30x15, 35x15, 45x10 2 sets
db pullovers: 25x15, 30x15, 35x15 2 sets (never did these before...not sure if they hit the right muscles. felt like more of a shoulder stretch)
cable flys: 20x15 4 sets

I'm tired. I haven't taken a solid gym break since last year. My ex is coming down next week so I think that seems like a good week to take a break. My shoulder is just hurting all of the time. I might need to break down and see an actual sports doctor. Luckily we have several good ones in this area. My gym owner would like to train me, but our times don't mesh, so right now I gotta continue the way I have been- solo.

2 eggs, oatmeal, strawberries, lf pb
turkey burger and rice smothered in franks wing sauce- o yeah
leftover spagetti w lean ground beef
chix breast, lima beans
apple, string chz
lean cuisine frozen something preworkout (not the best choice, but I was in a hurry and refusing to eat fish again)
fatass protein shake- milk, peanut butter, protein powder, honey, oats (my ex didn't do much for me...if anything, but he did turn me on to this awesome shake) postworkout

I think I am going to finish this week out with back, legs, and a light routine to work on any lagging areas.