Going to be challenging Celtic Labs M1-T Oxime and seeing what kind of results I can get with this product.

Thank you CELTIC for giving me this opportunity and for the additional bottle to run at my own determined dosaging I will likely do a 30 day run. Dosage TBD in the am.

First thing I noticed is the bottle label and packaging, very cool labels that is for sure.

I have used their Trestobol with good results, so I am expecting to see some nice strength gains from this.

__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________

I will update this thread 3-4x per week and answer as many questions as I can pertaining to this product.

I am an IRON MAG LABS rep and they have been awesome about me logging products they are not affiliated with, which to me shows even more how truly solid they are.


I will be competing in a Strongman Competition on November 1st- Derek Poundstone's (my long time training partner is hosting it)


I will be walking in minus knowing ANY of the events, and/or preparing for it. I would like to have 4-5 days of this product under my belt going in so I will be starting this product in the next 24-48 hours.

Here is a quick background on me

My Background:
-20+ years of weight training experience
-18 years of competing
-Sponsored Athlete - Prescription Nutrition / Iron Mag Labs REP
-Lightweight Strongman Competitor
-Compete in Bodybuilding, Highland Games, Powerlifting and looking to go back into amateur Boxing/MMA possibly this year.
-Various 1st place awards, titles, 2 National records
-Employed by Worlds Strongest Man, America's Strongest Man, NAS, Europa etc as Judge/Event Coordinaator, etc..Have been working at WSM venues since 2008.
-Expert Personal and Strength Trainer (17-18 years)
-Online Supplement Store owner
-Product Creator
-Mod/Site Admin/Site Director on several popular forums since 2001.

-I have been licensed in my State previous to Administer Medications (not prescribe) so I do have advanced understanding of pharmacology and endocrinology
-Post Grad Medical Training as well
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MY Stats (current)
2014 is my 18th year of competition, originally I was primarily a BBer.
5/7" 210 lbs on 10/24/2014.
Bench Press: 455x1. 315x17 reps (PR - 2 weeks ago)
Deadlift- 675 on olympic. 900 rack pull (though I have not deadifted for a few months, I hit 585x 7 the other day first try back)
Squat- 675 ATG, 405x20, 785x1 (PL Style w belt and wraps- low bar and parallel only)
Front Squat- ATG- 500x2
Clean- 315 (not olympic, full clean for reps)

I have competed both Naturally and Un-naturally, and have broad experience with AAS/PH/HGH/PEDs

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________

I will be posting regarding the following:
Muscle Hardness
Cardio Function
Overall Mood
Oily Skin
Changes in mood/temperment
Agression in the Gym
How this effects Sex
Sex Drive
Any sexually related issues
Night Sweats
Any conversion to gyno/pre-gyno
liver or kidney issues if they present themselves
Hair thinning
Hair Darkening
Hair growth